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Moondove (moondove07)


Inquiring Minds
Do you feel our fellow countrymen are becoming sheep?
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«April 2024»
A place to come in and speak your mind
Mon, Feb 1 16


Those Ah-Ha! Moments 

In the midst of my isolation and madness I began to have moments 
of clarity.  Out of the thoughts of a woman trapped in a macabre and bleak existence....okay...perhaps I overstated just-a-tad...but that does not change the reality I had created for myself.  I have been fighting a war for the last couple of decades, maybe most of my life.

I was drowning in a sea of self-pity and wore my bitterness like a suit of armor.  I knew if I did not find whatever I had looked for my whole life, there would be no more.

I needed to express myself.  Express the twirling, groaning, screaming of the one I had trapped inside.  The one who took the risks, the one I could not trust.  
 I did the two venues I knew best, writing and music.  Unfortunately I could not find my creative center.  Hell,  I couldn't find my center, period.  It had vanished.  *Poof!*
I was stuck.

One evening I just decided to write.  I was not concerned with grammatical errors, insightful witty words and phrases, nor did I lose any sleep over the fact my writing may not be the fluid genius I had once believed.  I was lost, I was frightened, and I was not going to roll over and die!


Mon, Feb 1 16 | Add a comment | TrackBacks ( 0 ) | Permalink
Sat, Aug 27 11

Further More.....


As my brother Luc Stated, "Don't they know what they are doing to their children??" 

The first five years of a child's life decides who they will be, personality wise. 

I was taught guilt and shame.  My "Granny" had it down to a science.  Now I am sure this is how someone taught her.

For example: If Gran would ask me to do something that maybe I did not feel like or did not want to, she would say, "Oh sis, one day you will have to look at granny in that old gray casket and you will remember this day I ask you for something."  Did I then do it?  You bet your ass I did!!

I spent my life utterly terrified if I did not do as I was asked aomeone would die and it would be my fault.  The results of this?  I made sure everyone was happy...everyone but me.  I grew out of it somewhat.  It is still there though.  I can still be manipulated because I still hear that voice.

Parents, do not teach shame and guilt.  Teach respect and discipline.

And Love them!!


Sat, Aug 27 11 | Add a comment | TrackBacks ( 0 ) | Permalink

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Fri, Aug 12 11

Will It Take An Invasion First!!


Fri, Aug 12 11 | Add a comment | TrackBacks ( 0 ) | Permalink

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Wed, Aug 10 11

In Agreement

My Brother: It seems to me that scientists, above all would "have" to accept just the possiblity of other life in this and other universes. Was it Carl Sagan who said, " would be an awful waste of space...." I know that they all are searching for proof and hoping for that Nobel Prize. I just don't get it. Do they seriously think that "we" are it? Now that's just sad, Moondove
Wed, Aug 10 11 | Add a comment | TrackBacks ( 0 ) | Permalink

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Mon, Aug 8 11

Reply to Luc

Oops! I did walk right in to that one didn't I. I am laughing so hard right now!!!!!! My goodness. Only me!
Mon, Aug 8 11 | Add a comment | TrackBacks ( 0 ) | Permalink

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