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The transgender fight....   The Serious You: How Current Events Affect You

Started 2/23/23 by WALTER784; 62196 views.
In reply toRe: msg 446

From: WALTER784


Pew Research: more than half of insane leftist women are literally insane

March 25, 2024
By Olivia Murray

In 2020, Pew Research released the results of a study that revealed more than 50% of “liberal” women between the ages of 18 and 29 had been diagnosed with a “mental health condition” by a professional; for men of that same age and political orientation, that number was over 30%.
When compared to “conservatives” and “moderates” of the same age and sex, “liberals” took the crown for most mentally ill.
Here’s a post to X with a breakdown of the charts:
I know, I know, crazy right? Who would have ever guessed that the people who have self-destructive tendencies and most often embrace self-harm—tattoos, piercings, and cutting—had a lurking mental health issue?
Who would’ve thought that people celebrating human experiments of sexual and physiological  mutilation, many of those on children, weren’t the most stable and healthy individuals?
Could anyone have possibly anticipated that the people who think this is appropriate for children, weren’t the sanest and most stable voters?
“Liberal” women, or the demographic that hates men and want to “smash” the patriarchy… murders their own children because they believe the “reproductive freedom” lies… embraces atheism and doesn’t believe in objective morality… thinks wine, Netflix, and a vibrator is peak female achievement… aren’t exactly stellar examples of mental health—who would have ever predicted it?
It’s almost like modern “liberalism” (leftism) is a mental disorder….
Now, after four more years of suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and the nihilist narrative of the “liberal” media, I can only imagine how bad those numbers really are. The woke, “progressive” mentality deliberately looks for and focuses on things that are not actually a problem; the terms “microaggressions” and “unconscious bias” come to mind.
While those mental health statistics in “liberal” young people were more than 50% and more than 30% for women and men respectively, that simply means around 50% and 70% of young “liberals” have yet to be diagnosed....

Pew Research: more than half of insane leftist women are literally insane - American Thinker


In reply toRe: msg 447

From: WALTER784


Sex-ed in schools is always a Trojan horse for LGBT indoctrination

An Australian school brought in LGBT activists to teach kids about sex. Parents were neither informed about the presentation nor consented to it.

Jonathon Van Maren
Fri Apr 5, 2024 - 1:43 pm EDT

It has happened again, and it will continue to happen until parents realize that “sex education” in schools is actually an attempt to eliminate moral boundaries and normalize any sexual preferences. The latest incident has triggered an investigation by the South Australian Department for Education after a third-party presenter delivered a presentation on sexuality to 13- and 14-year-old girls and allegedly asserted that bestiality was “accepted by the LGBTQIA+ community.” 
Female students at Renmark High School complained after they were told to leave their normal classes and attend a presentation by a third-party presenter, who has not been named by the press; there were two staff from the Headspace centre, a youth and mental health services organization, present in the classroom for the hour-long “relationships” presentation. According to their website, Headspace advocates for the view that: 
Sexuality is on a spectrum, at one end some people might feel attraction only or mostly for people who are the same gender as them (these people may identify as gay or lesbian). At the other end of the spectrum people might be attracted to only or mostly the opposite gender to themselves (these people may identify as straight or heterosexual).
People can exist anywhere along this spectrum, as some people can be attracted to multiple genders (these people may choose to identify as bisexual or pansexual). There are also people who might not feel any physical or romantic attraction to other people (these people may identify as asexual and/or aromantic). Sexuality is about understanding the sexual feelings and attractions we feel towards others, it is not necessarily about who we happen to have sex with.
READ: ‘From the depths of hell’: Inside the profound evil of transgender ideology 
Unsurprisingly, parents were not informed about the presentation and did not consent to it; students stated that they “were left unsupervised for the duration of the presentation.” This is now standard practice – children are turned over to activists posing as educators, who then push the worldview articulated above. How many parents realize that when schools use the phrase “sex education,” they actually mean indoctrination into LGBT ideology and the promotion of sexual confusion? At Renmark High School, that is precisely what happened. From ABC News: 
Student Courtney White, 14, said she felt confused and blindsided by the presentation.
“We had a teacher that told us to grab a chair and sit in front of the board, and then the Headspace people came in and then [the teacher] left, so then we’re sitting in front of a board alone with no teachers, just the Headspace people,” she said. “The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was ‘You can see queerly now’ and ‘No point hiding.’”
Fourteen-year-old Emelia Wundenberg said the presenter was graphic when referencing their own sexual preferences and spoke in sexually explicit?terms about growing up and being confused about whether they idolised people of the same gender?or wanted to be intimate with them. Students say they were then given an explanation of the initialism LGBTQIA+, with each word and its meaning displayed on the screen.
“There was a slide for what the ‘plus’ means, and they just started randomly saying words that no-one knew, like bestiality,” Emelia said. “It was on the board when they were showing what the ‘plus’ meant.”
READ: Princeton homosexual activist and ‘queer alumni’ president arrested for child pornography 
The “plus” sign, which has always been left deliberately undefined, can encompass any number of sexual behaviors and identities; according to the students, “bestiality was then explained in detail and the presenter seemed to imply it was something practiced by people who identified as LGBTQIA+.” As one student noted: “They said [the queer community] just accepts all of it, even though… isn’t it illegal?” At this point, several girls began to make excuses to leave the classroom, pretending they had to use the bathroom – many did not return. 
“We’re all just sitting there like, ‘What the h***? What are we doing here? Why are we learning about animals having sex with humans?'” one girl told ABC News. “It
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From: Showtalk


Do children really want to hear about sex in school?


From: WALTER784


About sex... perhaps some of them, but not about LGBTQ indoctrination... especially against their parent's wishes and/or without their knowledge.


In reply toRe: msg 450

From: WALTER784


Trans Athlete Controversy at High School Track Meet


In reply toRe: msg 451

From: WALTER784


Whistleblower: Gender patients begged to 'have body parts put back on'

'We were encouraged not to make a big deal of it'

By Bob Unruh
Published April 18, 2024 at 3:04pm

Joe Biden insists that transgender treatments, the chemicals, the hormones, the surgical mutilations, are just more "health" care.
And his advocacy while in the White House has raised the profile of the industry and the impact on its victims.
But some of the of the worst atrocities just now are coming to light, including the testimony from a whistleblower that patients of a children's gender clinic were "begging to have body parts put back on."
It is Fox News that reported on the comments from a children's gender clinic whistleblower who appeared on a daytime television talk show.
The whistleblower, Jamie Reed, who used to work at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital, wrote an expose last year calling such treatments "morally and medically appalling."
The report noted Reed, "who is queer and married to a transgender person herself," explained what changed her ideas on the subject.
"A number of things. We started to see patients who were experiencing very significant medical harms being rushed to the emergency room with lacerations requiring stitches. We had patients contact us who were begging to have body parts put back on within months of having surgeries."
She continued, "The thing that kept happening is every time I would raise concerns and ask about the protocols and ask about the guidelines – this is just how the industry works, if a child says they're trans there's no questioning it. We just say, 'Yep, you're trans, what would you like?'"
Multiple studies, in fact, have documented that nearly all of the children who experience gender dysphoria during their early years resolve those conflicts and live ordinary lives as their birth sex – if they are not influenced by those promoting the extremism.
Reed worked with children at that clinic.
"You're telling me that a 12- or 13-year-old, who can't decide which pajamas to wear, can come in and say, 'I've decided that I want to transition,' and with no more than a couple of hours or two visits – not even a couple of hours, two visits – they say 'Okay, start taking this, start doing this,' which alters their biochemistry in a way that you can't come back from?" show host Dr. Phil wondered.
Reed: "Correct."
The ideology has boomed under Biden's presidency, during which he has insisted it's "health care," must be normalized throughout the federal government and even promoted overseas.
Reed was blunt: "Doctors are acting like they're God when it comes to medically transitioning children."
"I saw a young person who was begging to have their breasts put back on after having surgery, we were encouraged not to make a big deal out of it and definitely not to tell other families. I couldn't continue to be silent on it."
Many prominent figures now are seeking investigations into trans clinics after a flood of heart-wrenching stories from those who adopted the agenda, but now are "detransitioning." Some of those even have taken those who "treated" them to court for damages.
The Washington University clinic already is under investigation by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey.

Whistleblower: Gender patients begged to 'have body parts put back on' | WND | by Bob Unruh



From: Showtalk


Elective surgery should not be done on minors.


From: WALTER784


Explain that to the kids who want their body parts back.

And then, jail those who removed the body parts in the first place!



From: Showtalk


If parents allow it then they are responsible.


From: WALTER784


They will claim that the doctor told them it would be alright and nothing to worry about.