Sins and Temptations...

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1/18/12 | Add a comment | Add a comment

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Yes I'm back

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears with a duster in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other; she takes three swipes across the old comfy chair then drops the duster and snaps her fingers as dust and duster vanish together. She drops into the chair and sets the coffee cup down on the now dust-free table beside her, looks around a moment. Sensing onlookers scrambling for their beverage cups after such long disuse (and hoping everyone has kept them clean and dust free) she gives everyone another moment before waving her hand and filling the mugs with favorite beverages~

I can see some of you missed me ~grins wryly~. Quite a few foot prints through the vis logs. I hope everyone is doing well or at least surviving anyway. I see Delphi has changed hands again and it is a familiar hand at that. I see the new owners look to be fairly kind and generous to new and old timers alike (Thank you for that). I also see Delphi is about to start a campaign for social networking presence on Facebook and Google Plus.

This will likely work though I am surprised it took so long for anyone to come up with this idea. It might be a good idea for forum owners to give some thought to how an influx from either Facebook or Google Plus could affect their forums now and plan accordingly.

First, the start page widget itself; it's presence or lack thereof is not likely to have much of an effect in terms of keeping your forum from being listed by someone else in either Facebook or Google Plus. All you need to get the same effect is the hyperlink (I know this because I like to link news articles that don't always have a handy Facebook or Google Plus link widget; I also tested it out on one of the Delphi Staff forums today to see what it would do. It linked up nicely).

This will likely be the case regardless of whether or not a forum is basic or premium; this makes the widget pretty much a formality. Once someone links a forum in either Facebook or Google Plus, all they really need to do is hit the "like" or "plus 1" buttons there. This will certainly help in advertising Delphi quite a bit. It may also cause some headaches for the Delphi Forum Owners.

I would recommend not being caught without access to your forum controls panel. If you've gone back to basic user status and lost access to your forum's controls, you may either want to renew, take the forum private and do some access control or turn the forum over to a premium account holder so they can do it for you, especially if the forum has been prone to flame wars. If a fight breaks out and you do not have access to your controls you will need to hope none of the combatants seeks reinforcements from their FB or Google Plus friends lists. While Google Plus is not as active as Facebook, many Facebook users average a minimum friends list of roughly 100 or more; I have seen some with a friends list numbers close to a thousand. That's enough to warrant some Delphi forum owners getting re-acquainted with their Forum Controls particularly Forum Moderation or the "Private" button.

Or at least think twice about how to handle unknown profiles and newcomers. Some may consider forum flame wars good fun but the internet is full of keyboard warriors and with things getting more and more out-of-hand both on and offline particularly with U.S. politics and an upcoming Election year that is already looking to go way beyond all previous boundaries for the ridiculous I would count on seeing a large amount of traffic from combative individuals. It is also likely these individuals will be a bit more difficult to scare off ~looks at the Vampires pointedly for a moment~ if they can easily bring in their own reinforcements from elsewhere.

Just sayin' and good luck.



11/8/11 | Add a comment | Add a comment

Comments (2)


That was stupid...

~The Daemon Mitsukai shakes her head with a grin as she stares out a window. Quietly she whispers to the empty air~

"I gave YOU permission Cody. Not the owner of Elizabetta's Fortress..

What's the matter, didn't want to get TOSed again, so you put your fledge and her forum on the line instead?"

~smiles a moment then shrugs~

I wonder which one of the people you've pissed off is going to get you first.

~Mitsukai waves at Cody/Malach whatever the hell he is calling himself these days~


Have a nice night.





2/11/11 | Add a comment | Add a comment

I'm also not your referee..

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears and drops soundlessly into her comfy chair. She stares a moment at the fireplace then looks away briefly as the logs explode into flame. She waves a hand and cups fill wih favorite beverages, she looks at DC and smiles evilly without saying a word. She watches him attempt to drink the beverage of his choice, but he finds that no matter what he does, the beverage goes everywhere except into his mouth. She continues to watch as the drink, even when upended over his mouth, pours out then cycles back into the cup in defiance of the laws of gravity.~

For the record, because I guess Endriago needs the clarification as usual...*I* am not the referee either. I am not part of The Vampire Forums, I have no place or part in the community as organized by The Castle. They do not answer to me.  

This means that Endriago has no right to complain to me or any other Daemon of Clan Dreamwalker. Keep your business to yourselves. We do not care.

~still watching DC persistently trying to get the contents of his cup into his mouth, she snickers quietly to herself as she moves the fingers of  her left hand in an intricate pattern as she speaks~

I also reserve the right to ignore comments of little to no relevancy whatsoever to the main points of the original posts.

~The Daemon Mitsukai pauses for a second or two then suddenly snaps her fingers loudly. DC's cup promptly erupts as the beverage shoots straight for DC's mouth as though shot from a high pressure water cannon. In fact it is clear that the amount of liquid now spewing at his face is a great deal more than the cup ever could have held. No matter where DC moves the cup the liquid shoots straight for his mouth, nose and eyes as well. After about 30 seconds the cup explodes in a shower of spectacular multicolored sparks.~

As far as I am concerned, case closed.




12/26/10 | Add a comment | Add a comment

Comments (14)


Kind of ironic isn' it?

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears sitting in her comfy chair. With a snap of her fingers the fireplace roars to life and mugs fill up with favorite hot beverages of choice.~

Many years ago, Ryan made a quip about how he could go anywhere he pleased and yet most forum doors were closed to me. It must have been sometime in the year 2006 or 2007 when the fighting was most bitter between myself and The Castle Vampyre. Some might say those were the "good ole days". Some might remember the crusader outfits and swear the clothing styles of 2010 have shown much improvement since then. ~pauses and remembers that "Twilight" came out after 2007~ Well at least the Castle Crusaders didn't sparkle.

Here we are in the final days of 2010 and I don't have any problem coming and going in most forums including The Castle. Even though my presence sometimes annoys Ryan enough that he likes to delete me from the forum and see how long it takes for me to notice it's gone from my list. ~snickers~ Ryan's been doing this for a while now, I guess the joke hasn't gotten old for him yet because people keep falling for it. Being deleted from a forum doesn't mean you are locked out. It just means you have to nagivate back into it via a dropdown or the webtag. I would recommend waiting a while before re-saving it to your favorite forums list though. If you keep the forum on the Recently Visited list, ole Ryan has to wait until become a member of the forum before he can delete you again.

I would apologize for spoiling Ryan's joke, but to be honest, I suspect I'm not really spoiling his joke at all. I figured out the first time he deleted my profile from The Castle what he did and got back in fairly quick (once I noticed). Since then I've seen other people periodically claim to have been locked out of The Castle, and then watched the ensuing accusational threads about it. It usually goes something like this. "You locked me out of The Castle. I can't see or respond to my messages!" "No I didn't, I deleted you from the forum". "You're lying, I am too locked out!" "Okay if you say so. We only deleted you from the forum, not our problem if you can't tell the difference." I think the only reason why they argue the point over whether they were locked out of the forum or just deleted from it, is because it's something to fight over that isn't the original dead horse, or to save some face. People apparently get locked out of forums far more than they just get deleted from them. So much so that a forum lock out is the first assumption they make when a forum drops off their list without warning.

The going back and forth is usually what keeps me quiet. I don't know who I'd really be spoiling things for, Ryan and The Castle, or the people making the accusations of being locked out, 'censored" etc. I figure it's really not my place to interrupt. One side is usually the picture of indignant anger and having themselves one hell of a hissy fit. It also takes a while for them to believe you when you tell them Ryan didn't really lock them out of the forum. One of the strange little nuances that people have I guess, this thing where they will jump to conclusions and run with something for as long as they possibly can, doesn't matter if there is another explanation or evidence to the contrary. They will go on and on against someone else as though by pretending to be oblivious to how foolish they look, they can somehow erase looking foolish in the first place.

I don't know if the Endriagos are locked out of The Castle or if Ryan is just fucking with them and waiting to see how long it takes them to figure it out. If they were deleted, then no doubt it will be game over for Ryan about five minutes after DC reads this post, provided someone tells him it's here. ~snickers~

DC seems to have paused in his siege antics at Elizabettas Fortress, because he wanted me to know that Amy can't access The Castle to see the post I left for her. I didn't figure this would be too difficult for either of them to get around, but then DC admitted that he cannot see the post either. I think he wants me to copy the post over to Elizabettas so they can read it and whine at me next.

~ponders on if I should copy the post over and then shakes my head no~

I am curious as to why no one has supplied him with a copy of this post if he has so many friends and supporters. I am curious as to why he hasn't donned one of his many "sock puppets" to go get himself a copy of this post. They have a copy of the post. DC just wants me to drop it in a forum I will actually go to, that he can get into. He needs another delusion of "victory" to brag about somewhere, so he needs a fresh target. That seems to be a problem with the egomaniac types. Without a target they can find no personal definition or sense of self.

I think I will tuck a copy of that post right here, and we can all sit back with the popcorn and a see how long it takes for the Endriago "Bad Asses" to notice it, or well, someone to rat it out to them.

From:   MitsukaiDreamhunter (Kitsuzo)  DelphiPlusMember Icon  Dec-20 2:38 pm 
To:  Ami, La Reina de los Endriagos (MAGIKCAT)  DelphiPlusMember Icon unread  (18 of 153) 
  2629.18 in reply to 2629.13 

~looks at you a moment and shakes my head~

Neither you personally nor Endriago on the whole has any agreement with The Castle or any of the Elders who agreed between THEMSELVES to the rule of no rl to be used in flame wars. Therefore, you have no right to make ANY demands to ANY enforcement of such rules.

The Castle's jurisdiction only comes into play for those of the Elders who made this agreement between themselves. To clarify, this means that if Cody violates this rule in a fight between himself, and say Perceive, or Nastya, THEN they have the jurisdiction to sanction Cody.

If you expect Ryan and Kathy to sanction Cody, then I would suggest you forthwith agree that Endriago will abide by this rule and give Ryan the authority to sanction both Cody AND Darren unilaterally.

Until you do so, your demands have ZERO credibility anywhere. If you yourself have such a rule within your own community, you obviously cannot enforce it by sanctioning Darren. Until you start enforcing your own rules, and grant The Castle some authority over you and yours, you do not have a right to make any demands here. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Just to make this clear:

The rule about not using rl information in attacks is only enforceable between the Elders who AGREED TO IT BETWEEN THEMSELVES.  This policy is only enforceable by The Castle, by those who AGREED TO THIS ACTION BETWEEN THEMSELVES, THEIR OWN AND THE CASTLE.

Give them that authority and be ruled by it yourselves or shut up and handle the matter on your own.



12/22/10 | Add a comment | Add a comment

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R/l information in the fighting. Again.

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears in her comfy chair, a cup of steaming coffee in one hand and waves the other. Hot beverages of choice appear in everyone's cups. Glancing around solemnly for a moment she shakes her head.~

You can all take the following for what it's worth. I've not been paying a whole hell of a lot of attention to the various dramas going on lately but in doing a small amount of catch-up reading, I find I have some thoughts on the subject that some may find useful to them. Others may not, mileage varies of course.

It seems pretty universal no matter which side of what fence one finds themselves on these days, that using real life on the boards is a no-no. Apparently there is a question about double-standards. One person agrees to no use of real life information in a fight. A fight breaks out between this person and another who may or may not have "officially" made such an agreement themselves. Some start calling on other individuals to punish the one who had previously agreed to not engage in this tactic. Others begin questioning why the second individual is not being held to the same standard as the first.

One group calls for the first individual to be punished but will not even discuss the potential punishment for the second transgressor of whom they have direct influence over and could curb this behavior if they chose.

~pauses a moment to sip some coffee~

If you were to walk into someone else's real life home and see a beretta sitting on their coffee table would you feel obligated to pick it up and shoot somebody with it? Certainly the home owner would be held accountable under most laws, because the beretta was not locked away properly in a gun safe. You as the shooter however, would still be accountable for firing the gun.

If real life information is mentioned in a post on the boards and your worst enemy sees it and tosses it back in your face in another post or private message, who's really at fault? The first line of responsibility is with the person who types out the letters that make up that real life information then hits the "send" button. A good number of you have been on this server for over a decade now, you really ought to KNOW BETTER than to put your casual real life related commentary out there on your public boards. Just because you are posting to a specific person, probably a friend, does not mean they are the only person reading it. That post can be read by literally anybody who can access your forum, and it hangs around in that folder and thread indefinitely.

The fact that I wandered into your forum and read a couple of threads on this topic more than likely a few days after the fact should suffice to prove the point.

Some people in these forums cannot be trusted to do the right thing, not for themselves and not for other people. Why would you trust them to keep your real life out of their posts? They have no sense of responsibility, they revel in trying to make themselves look clever, like it took master spy skillz to get at your real life information. They parrot it back at you the first chance they get in hopes of intimidating you with how much of a clever "bad ass" they are. It doesn't matter if you are not actually intimidated. It does not matter if your first thought was to feel mildly annoyed and roll your eyes in the general direction of the moron. It isn't so much about how you react, but how that person imagines you are reacting.

This kind of person gets off on the power trip of it all. It boosts their ego to imagine themselves as being "at your throat" pushing the barrel of the "beretta" that is your real life information details against your forehead. The irony is that the "beretta" is yours and they got it because you were careless about where you left it.

As far as our original rule breakers go, I can't make much comment. I have no idea who started the real life sling fest. Furthermore, I will slap silly the first person who comes running to me with the story. I don't give a rats ass who did what to whom first. I do not feel like dealing with a bunch of adults acting like grade-schoolers that have been caught by the teacher slinging pizza slices across the school cafeteria. Grow the hell up and stop expecting other people to hold you or whoever you pissed off, accountable for whatever stupid things you did or said because you couldn't control yourself long enough to find the log out button and your computer's off switch.

Castle: If Cody gave his word that he would not engage in the use of real life information in fights, then hold him to it. Hold him to it on YOUR TERMS as this agreement was essentially between you guys and Cody. Do not account to the Endriagos. They made no such agreement with you, they are not part of your community, you have no responsibility in policing them, and they have absolutely NO right to demand you guys play referee between them and someone they pissed off.  They want a referee, let them go sign themselves up for the local day care center.

As far as how real life information should be handled...discuss your personal business with your friends out of the public eye. Use email, private messengers, private folders, that's what they are for.

If it's on the boards and you see it....who said you have to actually use it? If you can't make a point without engaging in real life information trash talking, maybe you should consider shutting your mouth until you can figure it out. It is a better option than opening your mouth and removing all doubt on which is smarter, you or a common garden slug.

If someone tells you something personal and real life related, speaks to you in confidence and as a friend, do you really have to turn around and talk shit about what you are told to other people, or throw it back in their face later on during some post thread argument? Do you? Really? Is that what kind of a "friend" you REALLY ARE? Treat a confidence invested in you with RESPECT. It is another person giving you their TRUST. If they are only doing so in order to manipulate you, burn them and burn them hard. BUT BE ABSOLUTELY SURE THATS WHATS REALLY GOING ON.

Just because someone else does it first doesn't mean you have to be just like them. Think about this for a minute. If you know what they are doing is low down and dirty, makes them look like a real dumbass, why would you want to go looking like the same calibre of dumbass? If you have to fight with low down dirty dumbasses, fight them without a single real life related dig, kick their ass all of the forum boards, but do it with some intelligence and a better show of SELF RESPECT.

Just sayin'


12/18/10 | Add a comment | Add a comment

DC and Amy, Enough Already


~The Daemon Mitsukai appears in her comfy chair, sipping a cup of coffee, waves a hand and mugs re-fill with favorite beverages of choice.~

After at least five different instances of watching DC pursue, harrass, argue against and otherwise attempt to bully Cody, the Vampire Elder of Clan Drakulya for the "crime" of asking for some distance between himself and a friend of his, one who may or may not have done something that Cody felt was a betrayal of their friendship, I have had enough.

I have seen DC use this "crime" as an excuse to cause strife between Cody and other members of Delphi, between Clan Drakulya and other Houses, DC had to be warned once in my own forum, and then kicked out a second time for this obsessive need of his to control other people, and to think this has been going on since last year. Enough is enough already.

So nobody thinks I'm being "unfair" let me say that part of DC's justification is that Cody is "hurting" this friend, Amy, with this whole distancing thing. Cody believes he saw Amy copy a chat log that was posted in one forum and drop the copy to someone in another forum. Basically, "post snatch" which is illegal under Delphi's Terms of Service. Cody was not harrassing Amy about this, he merely didn't want her coming to his forum, and wanted some space from her. He wasn't even criticizing her about it, and no one would have necessarily even known what the issue was between Cody and Amy if not for DC's consistent harrassment of Cody ever since.

DC's entire argument seems to rest on his trust of Amy, that she would never do any such thing. I beg to differ. It's Delphi, people have been doing this sort of thing for years, ever since Delphi came up with the Private Folders. There is probably not a single person in Delphi who hasn't done this at least once, before or after Delphi made it illegal per the Terms of Service. I don't make a huge fuss about it though, unless the forum a post is being dropped to is my own. It doesn't happen in FL now, because it did happen on occasion in it's predeccesor forums and I was never entirely comfortable with it.

After seeing the latest bruhahah going on in yet another forum, DC once again all over Cody's case, I think enough is enough already. Since apparently Amy can't or won't do the right thing and get DC off of Cody's case on this issue, I am not going to continue to be discretionary on the matter.

I have seen Amy copy a post from one forum over to another before. This justification of DC's, that Amy would "never do such a thing, therefore Cody MUST be lying" is itself a lie. I'll not apologize for the embarrassment this will cause Amy. As long as this crap has been going on, there is no excuse for not having done something to get your boyfriend off your friend's ass, IF you had ever really wanted to do so in the first place. Don't tell me you weren't capable of telling DC to cease and desist, because that's bullshit. You could have, you have made token protests, but you haven't done a thing to lay down the proverbial law on this.

In my book, that makes you deserving of any embarrassment you may receive as a result of DC's instigations and attempted persecutions of Cody Drakulya. It's ridiculous and what's more, it's utterly ridiculous that it's gone on for as long as it has.


7/1/10 | Add a comment | Add a comment

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A little historical blast from the past.

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears, duster in hand, dusts off the chair and table, vanishes the duster, drops into the chair and waves her hand again. Empty mugs everywhere fill up with favorite beverages of choice.~

Yes I know, it has been a while hasn't it? My apologies folks, I've been a rather busy Daemon as of late. As many of you know, I used to run a forum here in Delphi called The Borderlands Sanctuary, and a few years ago, I began archiving old posts there. The forum was largely private and wound up containing a lot of real life information belonging to local members who knew each other offline.

I had reason to look through some of the posts I had previously removed from the forum today, and something caught my eye. For those of you interested in Delphi's history, I thought you might like to see it. I know some of us older members have done some speculating through the years as to just how old Delphi really is. Well, this will give you a pretty good rough estimate of it's real age.

First, a little back story. Back in 2002, Delphi had already begun charging for memberships, and for those who did not pay up, they had been force feeding ad banners all over the place. There had been periodic complaints from members of Borderlands about this, and eventually it became the primary reason for the mass exodus between 2002 and 2003 over to Livejournal and Borderlands going dormant.

Then in February 2002, Delphi sent out an email, one of the members of Borderlands got it and pissed off was putting it mildly. He posted the email to Borderlands, putting his own comments in brackets. As he is no longer a member of Delphi, I have decided to cut his commentary out of the post, and just post the original title, time/date stamp, and the email itself.

Pay close attention to the second paragraph of this email.

You have probably seen this already...
From: happygoth 2/28/2002 10:21 am


Following is an e-mail I received from DelphiForums. I know, after the way they belittle all of us, I will not be joining DelphiPlus, so I guess I will be seeing you in the ether sometime.

Dear Delphi Member,

We can no longer continue to operate Delphi Forums using an advertiser-supported model. We are asking for your help to keep Delphi Forums alive. Please read this letter carefully and entirely.

Delphi Forums is the Internet's first and oldest Internet community. Yet after 17 years we are at a crossroad.

Advertising on the Internet has not been a windfall for anyone. You know it, and we know it. More importantly you have proven it by ignoring almost all Delphi Forums advertising efforts.

Internet advertising is interruptive and distracting yet, for an Internet communication and content company, it has been the traditional means of generating revenue, regardless of how inappropriate or counterintuitive it is.

If you walked into the grocery store, in a hurry to purchase milk, bread, and eggs, and a stock boy grabbed you by the arm and kept distracting you from your list, instead trying to sell you fertilizer, you'd be furious. You would eventually quit coming to the store, ignore the help, or whack the stock boy.

Advertising on a community site like Delphi Forums shares some of the same distracting elements as the example above. Delphi Forums is like your grocery store; what do you want?

Delphi Forums represents the finest free communications technology on the web. Outside of AOL, we may be the only technology capable of hosting several hundred thousand discussion forums.

We can no longer continue to rely on advertising. Our community does not click on the banner ads that we attract (not that we blame you). Our community does not open or respond to email marketing. Advertising on the Internet has evolved into a bad idea.

So, what do we do? It requires enormous infrastructure to host our millions of members and hundred million plus page views per month. Greedy investors and an irrational public market paid for that good infrastructure for a long time. That well has gone dry.

Access to knowledge and information, and the ability to communicate instantly with millions of other like-minded humans is a good idea. Delphi Forums IS a good idea.

We recently introduced the finest information gathering, knowledge sharing, and communication service in the world. It's called DelphiPlus. We want and need you to pay for it.

DelphiPlus is worth more than the price of a movie ticket per month (and DelphiPlus costs less than most movies.) If you're not convinced of that, then we're in the wrong business. If Delphi Plus is worth more, say a movie and popcorn, but you aren't willing to pay for it, then we're still in a bad business.

For better or for worse, our decision is clear. We need your subscription to DelphiPlus and we are asking for it. We hope you decide to support our community - your community. With enough help Delphi Forums can be around for another 17 years. Now THAT'S worth the price of a Broadway show.


Your Delphi Team

Click Here to sign up for DelpiPlus today!

If you would rather not receive any future DelphiForums Special Offers, simply Click Here.
At the unsubscribe page, please deselect "Special Offers" and click "Save Changes".

So, that makes Delphi roughly 25 years old, possibly 26 depending on what date the server first went live.


6/26/10 | Add a comment | Add a comment

Ooh threaten me with old chat logs....

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears, drops into her comfy chair and waves a hand, mugs re-fill with favorite beverages all around.~

So now we're going to pull out old stolen chat logs to "prove" the Daemons are "The Evil". ~chuckles~ One problem with that. We didn't 'go after our own Elders', We ARE The Elders of our own Daemon Community and Clan. What you might have is handful of chat logs of two non-Daemons trying to shit-talk another Daemon to the Founder of his Clan, doing their own dirty deeds not much different than what the Vamps have done a million times to try to destroy Dreamwalker, and the same two that aided the destruction of the Clan twice before.

What is not recorded in at least one of those chat logs is a phone conversation going on simultaneously, between myself and Cylix and the Daemon who was being "shit-talked" in the chat log. That Daemon's own insecurities were proving the two non-Daemons claims and that was seen in those chat logs, but unlike in another "games" where this commonly goes on, we had him on the phone, literally "dialing direct". Which was why that Daemon even showed up in the chat log himself. By that point, we already had good reason to limit the trust of the word of those two non-Daemons. But they had an agenda of their own against that Daemon.

And there is more to that whole situation that is not being mentioned right now. For instance, that the Vamps were using that Daemon against his own Clan, and how it worked. How that Daemon had been targetted from the start, by those Vampires for having done a few things they didn't like, for instance, calling a friend of theirs a nasty name, because she was persecuting him from one end of Delphi to the other, for cheating on her. They had no intention of really looking out for that Daemon, they just saw an opportunity to stir shit between him and us, because we had been defending him instead of throwing him out of our Clan right then and there.

In the end, they got what they wanted, and then they turned on him too. He fled Delphi leaving a rather large mess which was then dumped in the laps of myself and Cylix, his ELDER to clean up. Which is what the Vampires were ultimately after. What they had been after all along. And his mess has been periodically revisited ever since, as an excuse to blame us for his actions. Actions they ultimately brought on themselves.

And this, Newcomers, is why the Vamps are not permitted involvement in Daemon business. They spin shit out of proportion and interpret things to fit their agendas of the moment. Sometimes even years after the fact. They did it then, and now they threaten me with it all over again? ~is laughing~

Been there, done that, and I really don't care how you spin it now. It was four years ago. In the end, that particular Daemon wasn't strong enough to remain a Daemon, and he was removed from our ranks, for his own doings, and not because of anything the Vampires ever succeeded at for long. All they did, was help show us just how weak of character he really was. Truth is, all the Daemons they successfully divided from us in 2006, tried to come back to us afterwards and were told no. So their loss proved to be a good thing for us.

By all means, "spin it" Morri. I know how those logs ended up in the Castle. Just because I never called anyone out for it doesn't mean I don't know. It just means I didn't care enough about it to start another damn year of pointless fighting across the server. You weren't worth it. Nor were you worth seeking out to 'sort it'. You showed me what kind of person you were, and so I cut my losses.

Were we 'chased out' of the Vampire Community? Again, a matter of symantics. I didn't see it as being 'chased out'. None of us did. We saw it as an opportunity to finally be free of your "Delphi Game" and all of the bullshit that goes with it. 'Chased out' of what? Giving false authority to be policed by jack asses incapable of policing anything, least of all themselves? In that case, by all means, we were 'chased out' alright. The ONLY legitimate authority on this server is that of Delphi TOS Staff.

Not The Castle, not Rayn. Not anyone else. We don't care how you wish to delude yourselves otherwise. We don't care who you have managed to delude into believing your own delusions. We don't believe it. We don't need your "status" or "standing" because it's a joke. One that means absolutely nothing except to the poor fools who have been convinced they do. A sad joke really.

One last thing Morri. You do  not have my permission, or that of any Daemon in those chat logs to post those chat logs. It is a TOS violation. (clarifying for Delphi Staff and opening the way for anyone who wishes to do so, to go ahead and TOS Born in Darkness or any other forum in which these logs get published, should they be published.)

The fact is, you were never given permission, nor was anyone else to even copy those chat logs. You were given permission to READ ONLY. Perhaps you would like to explain to Walt Howe your little threat? I would love to know how you will justify to him how you even got copies, much less kept them in order to threaten me with them four years after the fact.

So stuff your bluff up your ass. It's shit and we both know it. The only way you can post those logs is to do it privately, and then you will have to wonder about just who you show it to. Whether or not they will report you for it. And if you do it anyway, what would you be proving exactly?

I never said I wouldn't make use of a TOS report, I only said I wouldn't do it for frivolous reasons. All you would be proving is what I have told the Newcomers they could expect from some of you Vampires all along. They know what I am because I have seen no reason to lie to them about it. All you'd be doing is giving them another example of what a piece of work you really are.

And one other thing. Don't think it is going unnoticed that you have now issued another "Demand for accounting", four years after the fact, hilarious really, and this is as much of one as you will get from me. "Spin" it good Morri...the Newcomers all need to know why Daemons are "the Evil" around here. We need more shit talking from you in order to further our "evilness". ~is laughing~

Have a nice day

And sign here please.


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And now for their NEXT trick...

~The Daemon Mitsukai appears, chuckling to herself and drops into her comfy chair, waves a hand and beverages appear in everyone's cups.~

The next trick, is the "Baffle them with bullshit" trick, but on this one, can't really blame Morri for not knowing any better, she wasn't around to see the beginning of the whole latest conflagration of fighting eight months ago. So she missed Kathy asking for more involvement from the Daemon contingent, namely myself and Gallows over in The Castle. No idea why really, maybe it was because she missed us? ~shrugs and looks doubtful.~

Pretty funny though, the idea of Cody skulking about playing "DW cheerleader" to get the Daemons back into the Vamp Community. And here I thought folks were using their own minds to make that call. Why he's so good, he even got me back into BiD itself, against the "better judgements" or Morri and DeWar themselves. That's true talent there.

Except it's hardly believable. The only reason why I was allowed back in BiD was because it served Morri and DeWar's purposes. First, to try to persuade me against Cody and his family, and then when they realized that wasn't going to happen, to pursuade the rest of you all against me. Old hat around here really. Castle was doing that shit for years, which come to think on it, might have been why I didn't really trust Kathy's motives the last time either.

But that's okay. It's all about the "server war" I've been talking about in this blog for years. It's not until you're on the line of fire yourself, that you actually start putting two and two together. The Daemons walked out on the Vampire Community, and didn't return until the Vampire Community had done picked out a new set of scapegoats to use as the "Delphi Bogeymen". It always comes back to the need for one of those with which to rally the rest of the Vampires into some sort of "solidarity movement".

It's been the case for over a decade now.

But you Newcomers also know, because *I* have told you myself, that we Daemons are 'tha EVIL". Don't blame Morri for her opinions regarding that old chat log. She wasn't in on that chat, and she was convinced of her opinion by The Castle. She wasn't a Dreamwalker at that point, so wasn't privy to certain knowledge the rest of us were, nor did she ever ask for our side of the story. She took one look at that chat log and assumed. Then what did she do. I think we all know exactly what she did. ~smiles~

But that's okay. It's old business, and now it's going to be used to baffle the rest of yas with "bullshit" in order to direct away from the most current "bullshit". Vampires are really good at using old grudges and old "crimes" to misdirect away from current Delphi events.

This is a prime example of my warnings to you Newcomers, that anything you do now in terms of mistakes, might be "sorted", might be "worked out to peaceful conclusions", but in the end, it only stays worked out until you do something they don't like. Like form your own opinion and speak it. It gets considered an "act of disloyalty", and every "crime" real or imagined, gets trotted out again to "prove" you are a "bad person", given "second chances" but then you "failed to behave yourself and be remediated". So you're right back to being a "bad person".

I've nothing to hide though. I have told you all about my doings in "The Damned". It's the reason I won't don an alias, a "sock puppet" now, and go trotting all over Delphi to pretend I'm someone else you don't know. I have said it many times, doing that was a terrible mistake of judgement on my own part, one that hurt a lot of people. I learn from my own mistakes. I don't go around repeating them and rationalizing hurting people as being "their own damn fault".

I never rationalized what I did as Gabriel as being anyone's fault but my own. The hurt I caused, I caused directly. I had good intentions at the time, but I didn't think about the potential consequences of that action before I did it. I didn't expect to take a look at this server and think to myself, "Unholy Hell, what have they done to themselves?" I didn't come in with the expectation of finding myself actually caring about people, or realizing just how bad I was going to hurt them with that knowledge that the character, and the supposed person playing him, did not really exist.

I have, and I will continue to take the lumps for having done that. I will not do that again, not for anyone, not for any reason. There is absolutely no justification for it, not even petty revenge. Nobody on this server can ever do anything bad enough to justify doing what The Damned set out to do. It's why three of us, when we found out what the real motive behind The Damned was, set out to stop it. Not just because it was against TOS, but because NOBODY deserved to have their trusts broken to that degree, and themselves completely humiliated in that way, over simply disliking each other and thinking they were safe enough to speak their true opinions to  who they thought was a mere stranger.

The sad irony here is that another former member of The Damned, who would have happily humiliated and broken the trust of her friends, didn't learn that lesson herself, during or after The Damned. She tried doing it again, and just about everyone defending her since then, were all victims of the perpetuated Lie that was The Damned. So who really betrayed whom?

You can blame Domina and Malk for the petty revenge plot underpinning The Damned's "role play" cover. But there were two others involved in that, one of which repeated it, this time against Cia, Cody and Alan Kell. While everyone else looked on and tried to believe for their own reasons, that they somehow "deserved it", and others tried to justify it, and still are trying to justify it, by consistently using aliases/"sock puppets" to perpetuate harrassments against them.

You can blame me for first attempting to make a legitimate role play of The Damned, and then stopping in it's tracks, the real plot of exposing the entire Vampire Community for "talking shit" in The Damned chat rooms, about everyone else in the Vampire Community. Along with two others, Kitiara and DaughterofOdhin, both of whom were there, both of whom reacted the same way I did, and pursuaded Domina and Ashkalon against following through with that expose, using every means possible to do so.

You can blame me for using my Gabriel character to get to know enough about the rest of the Vampire Community to know that while some could and have been absolute jack asses, they didn't deserve the kind of violation others were plotting to do to them. You can blame me for the hurt caused when Gabriel turned out to be me. I accepted that a long time ago.

But what you can't really ever justify is that the same kind of thing was done again. Against your own, and it has divided the Vampire Community. The hurt caused by it, has given you new "Bogeymen" to take the place of the Daemons, and the hurt has given them plenty of justification for not giving a rat's ass how you feel about their own anger. It was a BETRAYAL furthered by even more betrayals just to cover it all up.

It never needed to be covered up. It needed to be acknowledged, it needed to be apologized for. Ultimately, it would have eventually been forgiven. If everything else that had come later had never happened. I don't think Perceive was planning any exposes against the Community with what she did under the Rhapsodi alias this time. That was the real "crime" of The Damned, and I think she really was just trying to get to know Mofist better, but she should have trusted her friends enough to be honest with them. I don't know why she chose not to be. If she had been though, this whole snow ball effect never would have likely happened.

And then the Daemons would never had a reason to come look at what was going on in the first place. To realize that our own place as server "Bogeymen" was about to be handed over to another group of Vampires who really did not deserve it.

You may feel free to return that title to me at any time, and lock us out of your forums or write diatribes about how evil I am. By all means, we miss the free publicity. Tell your best "Delphi History Lessons", one sided as usual, that's fine by me. It's always been fine by me. We will happily step back into the Separation, but I have just one question to ask.

Are we taking Drakulya and De Borghesse with us this time? Has what you have done to these two Vampire families gone so far that they may have decided they want no further part of the rest of your "Community"? Is that why you won't stop harrassing them now? Because you are afraid you just may have really fucked up bad enough with them, that they'd prefer to deal with Daemons as friends, than the rest of you lot?

Maybe you should all think about that for awhile. And maybe you should consider that harrassment pushes people further away, it doesn't bring them back. It severs ties, it doesn't create them anew.

Think on that, and have a nice day.

Sign here please.


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Comments (8)

About Blog

   Some folks dont get it, so I am gonna spell it out for you very carefully. This is my blog, not yours. This is my opinion, not yours. There is no such thing as "truth" in Delphi, because there is never any way to know ALL the "facts". I never claimed to be omniscient. I see however, that several other folks "are". To those who claim it, I say, "get the fuck over yourselves".

   Posts get made, posts get edited, posts get deleted, posts get moved to private folders. Forums come, forums go. Shit gets lost, get's misinterpreted, sometimes on accident, and sometimes, very much on purpose.

  Privacy gets invaded, trust gets broken. People show you one face, while you find their other face staring out at you from someone else's forum. Or chat log. Or in your email box. Or in your YIM.

   They "Sin" and we revel in it. We are, after all, the Greatest of Temptors.
About the Author
  This is my delphi blog not my real life blog (I have one, but ask me for the info you will need if you are interested.)

  I have been a member of Delphi since 1999. I have owned several forums: The Draconian HOARDE (closed.) The Borderlands Sanctuary (also private, and no longer used.) Odinn's Honor, Fire of Inari, (closed) Taikodani-Inari (format changed) Angels In Exile (closed) and currently, The Forbidden Lands.

  I have been involved in other forums, most notably, The Blue Flame Cafe (1999), The Damned, (2005) and during a couple of years absentia, was a member of Clan ArRell (ended my association in 2005). I am the Founder of Clan Nabeshima (in Delphi only.) and the leader of the Bloodline of Dreamhunter, of Clan Dreamwalker.

  I have been called many things in Delphi..."Bully", "Liar", "Abuser" "Skank", "Bitch"...those are my personal favorites. Anything else you want to know about me, Im sure you have but to ask any of the "Crusaders" at The Castle. (webtag VampyreCastle).

  Of course, try to find the one that's actually READ this blog. For that is a soul owed to us Daemons. ~winks~


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