~*~ ARC ~*~

~*~ The Miracle In Life Is Perception! ~*~

June 28

"Choice Hotels", "Quality Inns" - NOT!

It's not that I don't know marketing slogans and advertising campaigns aren't full of more hype than truth.  A lot of the time one can pretty much figure on whatever the slogan or advertising states the opposite of such is more the truth than not.  But, like most, I still get suckered in by names, promotions, etc.

I have just stayed in five "Quality Inns" and one "Comfort Inn", both of which fall under "Choice Hotels", and NONE were "quality" nor "comfortable".  The Quality Inns were a step worse than the Comfort Inn, with broken lamps, dirty rooms, filthy exteriors, and very poor access to all except one.  The Comfort Inn was the last in the line, and the icing on the cake for rotten rooms.  Going into the room was a walk into a refrigerator.  It was raining outside, and the carpet was so wet water squished up between my toes walking on it barefoot.  I went to the front counter to make sure I would not be blamed for the wet carpet.  I was told, "oh, we know you're not, we know the carpet is wet from being shampooed before you arrived."  Excuse me!  You know the carpet is wet in a room you just rented to me?

I returned to the room, and after trying to dry it with warm heat was living in a steam bath.  Every piece of paper in it was limp from the moisture.  I returned to the front desk, asked them what they were going to do about the situation, and 4 people behind the counter just looked at me with dumb looks and never said a word.  No matter what I said to them, there was no response.  Finally I said, "I can't believe I'm standing here talking about a soaking wet room to the hotel staff, and all any of you can do is stand there with dumb looks on your faces and not utter a single word in response."  You'd think saying that to 4 people would have gotten some statement said in return, even an angry rebuttal to the accusation.  But no, they still just stood there and didn't utter a word or make a move towards coming up with a solution.  I walked away.  A few minutes later one of the four, the "hotel manager" walked up and apologized and said she didn't know what to do.  I did, get me a space heater to dry the carpet out with - since there were no other available rooms in the sold out hotel, and they were not going to reimburse me my hotel costs.

I just don't get how Hotels along interstates can be this sloppy, this bad in appliances and cleanliness, and still be in business.  There's no money in owning and operating hotels?  Choice hotels don't exactly offer much, so where is the overhead?  Taxes? 

Overall, my rating of Choice Hotels is they are very poor, only for the very desperate weary traveler with no advance reservations, and I'll not be staying in them again. 


Comments (4)

  • 8/20/08 - KevinTravelling globally a lot I note that the chains you refer to in Australia are a bit upmarket... Show Full Comment
  • 8/13/08 - zipGenerally, I've found the same thing Quality Inns are an oxymoron. Comfort can be ok--the one in... Show Full Comment
May 22

America Spoke ~ Cook Wins ~ YEAH!

DCookWins.gif picture by ARCBYH

American did get it right this time ~ David Cook won by 12 million votes.  I actually was holding my breath and let out a yeah! when he won.  Made the pets jump :-)  Not that David A or others didn't have good vocals, but David Cook is the complete package, the 'it-factor', and was since first auditioning.  One of the earlier contestants was my favorite, but he got the boot prior to the final twelve.  Then I was up in the air, but as each week progressed I grew more and more in favor of David Cook.  The best move David Cook made was the change of his hair.  That told me he switched to accepting he was in, and became serious about winning.  What really won me over with David C was, not only did he demonstrate the full range of his voice, and his talent with an instrument, but he took control over his route down this AI road to the best that any could do and a first that I've seen in the 7 seasons of AI.  For once I agreed with Paula, it was like attending a David Cook concert in most all of his performances.  Yes, I power voted for him the last three vote nights, especially Tuesday night.  Not like some I read though.  One woman had in 350 votes in.  She must have lived on her phone :-)

Overall, I liked this season better than all the others.  Mostly because the judges took cues from the other reality shows and toned down their form of judging.  The last minute apology from Simon I don't believe was warranted, but I don't have instant reply to see and hear Tuesday night again to tell what it is exactly he's apologizing for.

Last nights show had what's become corny stuff.  I really wish they would knock that out and stick to quality performances.  The guru and guy in the white suit was a turn-off for me.  Reading AI forum, I guess many do like that Guru movie.  I did like the Cook and ZZ Top performance the best.  I also like Nash and Brook's performance, and the solo by Jason.  Jason finally showed his stuff, no spot-light on him, and showed he deserved to be near the top.  Appears to me that DC, DA, Jason, and Brook will do OK.  Sayesha I'm afraid will get lost in the indecision, or end up on Broadway which is where I think she wants to be.  Brook I was surprised at last night, her stature is as though she already has some deals that she likes, her confidence came through in body posture.  No surprise that David A already has record deals, they announced that at the beginning of the season right after the final 12 were selected. 

I'm just glad to see like David Cook win.  He crosses all age groups, music genre, he's excellent on all counts.  Plus, he is nice eye-candy even for an older lady like myself :-)

For those interested in exploring further, there is of course always the American Idol web site >> link <<

The >> link << to this site is excellent.  You can listen to all of David's songs, see video's, pictures, and join in the forum.

This site >> link << has lot's of pictures, where I found the You Tube video.

Disney produced a very nice tribute to David >> link <<, of course promoting their new AI exhibit at Disney World, Orlando, FL.   All "Moms" will appreciate this one :-)

Below is the Guitar Hero commercial video featuring David Cook, and after it runs the one of David A can be clicked onto.


Comments (2)

  • 5/23/08 - Amber (ARCBYH2)I saw the songs and playlist, downloaded ITunes, but I think you have to create your own jukebox.... Show Full Comment
  • 5/23/08 - Desiree559Cookie is so hot! Did you see the playlist on the org site? Do you know how to get it?
May 22

David Cook Wins ~ In Guitar Hero also!

The following video definitely got everyone's attention!  David Cook did great with it, put his whole self into it, and looked smashing!  The link to it is >> link <<.  The one on Guitar Hero is said to be a longer version, but I didn't see that it was.  The link to the Guitar Hero is >> link <<  It has David A's version also, a choice between the two can be made.

Enjoy, I have :-)

I just noticed that at the end of this video playing, is a selection of several versions of the video, including David A's performance, and the longer version of Cooks is in there also.  I just realized also neither of them is singing, just acting.  Oh well!

May 21

hmmmm? An Entry Title?

What do you name a blog entry that is mindless banter?  On one hand I've got way too much going on to be maintaining two blogs, on the other hand I need a wee bit of normal routine to calm the waters of chaos I'm currently in.  Then if I had another hand to speak of, I don't really have anything in particular to say.  If I start speaking about things popping off in my emotions and mind, global warming might could become an instant impact - lol

Every now and then I feel my 'ambition' stir, the fight still there buried under all the "no's" I've heard in the last days, weeks, months, year.  Yesterday was overload, today was recovery, tomorrow is back to pushing things, and on my mind is, "will I survive this".  Probably, but how I don't know at the moment.

Anger, well, lot's of thoughts swimming around.  Newest is how to start a blog in an arena that gets a lot of attention and blast all the politicians, blast AZ, blast the U.S. care of it's citizen's, and while I'm at it blast everyone else who has ever ticked me off.  Thoughts of doing serious damage to them.  But, as I tell everyone, it's just not in my nature to be vicious, like what I've been dealt by some.  Some say that's my downfall.  That I should get angry, I should retaliate, I should get revenge.  I'm still pondering that :-)  Banter.

Discussions of why people do illegal things, like lie to cheat the system to get the needs met.  My son came up with a good one last night, and then I heard one today from a lady who helps women leaving domestic violence (long story how I ended up talking to her).  It took me an hour to grasp what it was she was hinting at, couldn't actually say, and I'm sure there are lot's of people who do it.  Those 'move-in' specials, first month free rent.  Move in for the month, be out be end of the month, let them try and find you afterwards.  I have to admit not something I would have thought to do, but I can now see how some would do things like that to survive.  I read today people are stealing french fry oil to turn into money.  On the news tonight someone stole an urn with someone's ashes in it from inside a granite wall for the metal the urn to turn into money.  It took some work to break through that granite wall.  People stealing gas out of vehicles and RV's.  All sorts of strange type thefts these days.  While others are wondering why? 

In my other blog on world travel, each country I read about how much money the US is sending annually to their countries, in many cases to resolve the poverty, and yet what is being spent in billions for the U.S. people?  Not millions going out, three figure BILLIONS to this country, that country, etc.  This is just wrong what's going on here.  We are just about into what Peru became and is now trying to get back - lost middle class.  But it's more than that here in the U.S.  There is absolutely no flexibility, no single individual case scenario, all is lumped together and either you meet the stringent regulations, or you don't.  To meet those, lie or cheat or know how to work the system.  My integrity is all I have left, and I will not sacrifice it.  I'll die first with my boots of integrity on :-)

May 19

Qualifying for Disability Income

So today I went to the State office to hear what I already knew, but at least I did go.  It was very painful, and I was ticked by the time I got in because of how they don't care how long they make people wait.  There's nothing the state could offer, I don't qualify, because its so obvious my physical condition in unable to barely walk.  There is a 2 year waiting list to get people into 'assisted living', and those who can still work W-2 type jobs come first.  A 2 year waiting list to get people into HUD housing, and those have to be employed to get on the list, and throughout the 2 year waiting period.  The U.S. government states it takes 6 months to get Disability Income, but expect a full year, and that's after being declared unable to walk for one year, but since my neuropathy is at stage 3.5, they could say my inability to walk has been for a year+ already. 

I asked how they expect people to live on that sort of income?  Found out because the doors open up when declared "disabled", and things are based on percentages of income, not dollar amounts. 

There's no more room for denial, not only do people see me disabled in public, but even the state employees recognize it.  I don't know why this is so hard for me to accept.  I want to be in denial, but can't be.  Every time I go anywhere, reality is in my face (body).  This just isn't what I had in mind for my life.

Scanning through the U.S. Disability booklet while listening to the caseworker go down the list of all that as she kept saying, "you already know you don't qualify for", I was shocked to read what has to be done to get Disability Income.  Either there is a whole lot of people who try to get that sort of income who don't really apply, or the U.S. government just really isn't 'there' for it's citizens, to warrant the type of qualifying required.

I'm very upset tonight.  I'm a native Arizonan and there is nothing this state can do for me.  What I observed for the hour I waited in the waiting room, goes hand in hand with the major issues of this country - and state.  Let's just say, I was the only white person there, including employees, and that was noticed by all there. 

So, for those following along, I have to be moved out in 11 days.  There will be a time period when I won't be online.  Hopefully a short amount of time.  Lot's of packing, thus I won't be accessible much until the dust settles.  Such is life.  Catch ya'll on the flip-side.

May 17

Why didn't you leave?

1homeon.gif picture by ARCBYHFor victims of domestic violence, one of the most disrespectful, obnoxious questions first time listener's often ask is, "why didn't you leave?"  Usually followed by a few of their thoughts on how easy it would have been to leave sooner given the circumstances.Not, 'why did you stay" which would at least have given the victim the benefit of doubt in having a brain that could logically, rationally produce reasons for staying as long as you did.  What I've found most disconcerting, are the number of people today who are still insensitive, unable to relate, and bold in their opinions on how simple the decision would be to leave.  As though at the drop of a pin, its that easy.  Yet, one might be surprised to know how much domestic violence there is in upper middle income and wealthy populations.  In those groups, everything is to be kept quiet, behind closed doors, and the reasons for staying in the domestic violence are greater than those in poverty, including the threat of death.  The higher the income, the greater the denial.

Back 12 years ago there were large movements to get the greater population to wake up and realize there are many logical, rational, explainable reasons why people (women for the most part) do not quickly leave environments of domestic violence.  The more education on that, the more reasons victims found for not leaving.  Life can be hell, but it can be worse after leaving domestic violence - no thanks to the general mainstream public. 

There are loads of people who hate their jobs, complain about them day in and day out, and for years afterwards.  How often are they asked, "why didn't you leave?"  They are asked that, but not nearly as much as a victim in domestic violence, or with the tone of voice and looks the questioner delivers the question with.  Hearing long term dissatisfaction with a job, first though assumption generally is 'the pay must be really good'.  Finances in a job and those relative to a home environment are pretty much the same - safety net.  Lot's of other logical, rational, explainable reasons in both instances.  There is also a lot of support for those who quit bad jobs, and typically without remarks questioning something having been 'wrong' with them that the job didn't work out.  Huge contrast to a victim of domestic abuse, quitting the marriage, trying to get back into mainstream civilization, and the snide remarks referencing something wrong with them not only because they quit the marriage, but because of their poor choice of marriage partner to begin with, and then "what did you do to become abused?".

2008, and still people don't know better than to judge a victim of abuse negatively, or know the person has a fully functional brain and is not some piece of emotional garbage, or 'damaged goods' for the remainder of their life?  Wouldn't it be nice if we could all have a peaches and cream life, or that no one had any skeletons in their closet making them 'damaged goods' for their entire life.

A few months ago I proposed the difference between "why didn't you leave" and "why did you stay" to an organization in California who is working on teaching medical professionals how to be more sensitive to victims of abuse - past and present.  My explanation was presented that week to the Board of Directors, caused quite a stir and discussion, and a change in all of their material was made to "why did you stay".  Everyone in agreement to the subtle difference the questions infer.  The words we say and how we say them does make a difference.  In the above, one is an accusation with negative connotations, the other is an open invitation denoting real understanding and caring.

May 16

Comic Book Hero's come to life?

Yesterday there was a new clip about a man who has made a contraption allowing him to fly through the air at record speed.  All there is to it is his body, a set of wings, and two jet engines.  Reminds me of a Comic Book Hero, I think I've seen one like this in them.

EDIT - Gordie found a You Tube video of it so I could put it in here.  Funny, the one on You Tube does mention the likeness to comic book hero's :-)


I think we're real close to vehicles taking to the skies.  Real close to the old Jetson cartoons :-)

Today there is a clip about another new invention, this one funded by the U.S. Army no less, that will cause regular people to have magnitudes more strength while wearing this lightweight suit.  Another Comic Book Super Hero come to life.

What's next?  Invisible people?


Comments (2)

~*~ ARC ~*~

Each individual human being is unique physically, mentally, emotionally; in shape, size, color; and in personality, character, and living.  No two human beings are 100% exactly the same, not even twins.  No one can truly 'know' another no matter how much time they spend with them, or how much someone tells others about themselves.  That is the uniqueness of being human.

I enjoy learning about others.  Not fully, but enough to get the general 'gist' of them.  I find human beings to be fascinating creatures.  Don't get too excited....I find all in life to be just as fascinating including insects, animals, nature, and the whole concept of the universe.

This blog is actually my first ever public sharing of my real self as one of millions upon millions of human beings living on this planet earth past, present, and future.  Will it matter to anyone else who and what I am?  Probably not.  That's the one reason why I don't favor online journals, aka blogs.  What I see most are people looking for drama, hype, something to complain about, or information relative to their current particular need or personal interests.  So why did blogs become such a huge hit that won't go away?  We're all creatures of curiosity, plus we have minds, and our minds like computerized robots require constant input or stimulation of some sort.  Blogs seem to satisfy that on a major scale.

Thus here is the real me, not hiding behind the anonymity of an online alias.  The widgets here layout my story depicting my favorite things, colors, designs, interests, etc.

~*~ POLL ~*~
Which form of medicine do you have the most faith in?
~*~ TRACKER ~*~
«April 2024»
~*~ THY AUTHOR ~*~

AmberC.jpg picture by ARCBYH  "Many things to many people", is a good start point in describing who I am and as author of this 'personal' blog.  I am foremost an independent, entrepreneurial business woman.  My best accomplishments in life have been raising my three children, and my 23 year Real Estate Broker career.  At 18 yrs of age I moved from the big city to a very small rural town hundreds of miles from any major population.  Lived there for 27 years, then moved back to the big city and haven't recovered from the culture shock since.  I haven't yet recovered from a lot of things that took place in the past.  But I have some, most assuredly 40 years of being abused.  Past history, no excess baggage.

Being a very true entrepreneur, I've not given up.  I have a 'will' to live, survive, conquer the impossible unlike most others, but I have grown tired over the many years of battling the mountains.  So often I've been told by professionals not many would have continued with 1/2 of what I've been through.  I know.  I am a risk taker, a reasonably safe type though having been burned enough to learn.  I view myself as a square peg that doesn't fit into the mass world's society of round holes.  My dual nature is another side of myself that is very much a woman, artistic, sensitive to others, psychic more often than not, and caring about the world and everyone in it.  Too much so I've been told, my Achilles heel in business.  It's a no win situation, though perfect fodder for an entrepreneurial spirit.

arcfairyleft.gif picture by ARCBYHAt the core I am an Aires, a child at heart who loves to have fun, and so you see the animations to provide child-like entertainment fun to all.

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