~*~ ARC ~*~

~*~ The Miracle In Life Is Perception! ~*~

May 16

Comic Book Hero's come to life?

Yesterday there was a new clip about a man who has made a contraption allowing him to fly through the air at record speed.  All there is to it is his body, a set of wings, and two jet engines.  Reminds me of a Comic Book Hero, I think I've seen one like this in them.

EDIT - Gordie found a You Tube video of it so I could put it in here.  Funny, the one on You Tube does mention the likeness to comic book hero's :-)


I think we're real close to vehicles taking to the skies.  Real close to the old Jetson cartoons :-)

Today there is a clip about another new invention, this one funded by the U.S. Army no less, that will cause regular people to have magnitudes more strength while wearing this lightweight suit.  Another Comic Book Super Hero come to life.

What's next?  Invisible people?


Comments (2)

~*~ ARC ~*~

Each individual human being is unique physically, mentally, emotionally; in shape, size, color; and in personality, character, and living.  No two human beings are 100% exactly the same, not even twins.  No one can truly 'know' another no matter how much time they spend with them, or how much someone tells others about themselves.  That is the uniqueness of being human.

I enjoy learning about others.  Not fully, but enough to get the general 'gist' of them.  I find human beings to be fascinating creatures.  Don't get too excited....I find all in life to be just as fascinating including insects, animals, nature, and the whole concept of the universe.

This blog is actually my first ever public sharing of my real self as one of millions upon millions of human beings living on this planet earth past, present, and future.  Will it matter to anyone else who and what I am?  Probably not.  That's the one reason why I don't favor online journals, aka blogs.  What I see most are people looking for drama, hype, something to complain about, or information relative to their current particular need or personal interests.  So why did blogs become such a huge hit that won't go away?  We're all creatures of curiosity, plus we have minds, and our minds like computerized robots require constant input or stimulation of some sort.  Blogs seem to satisfy that on a major scale.

Thus here is the real me, not hiding behind the anonymity of an online alias.  The widgets here layout my story depicting my favorite things, colors, designs, interests, etc.

~*~ POLL ~*~
Which form of medicine do you have the most faith in?
~*~ TRACKER ~*~
«April 2024»
~*~ THY AUTHOR ~*~

AmberC.jpg picture by ARCBYH  "Many things to many people", is a good start point in describing who I am and as author of this 'personal' blog.  I am foremost an independent, entrepreneurial business woman.  My best accomplishments in life have been raising my three children, and my 23 year Real Estate Broker career.  At 18 yrs of age I moved from the big city to a very small rural town hundreds of miles from any major population.  Lived there for 27 years, then moved back to the big city and haven't recovered from the culture shock since.  I haven't yet recovered from a lot of things that took place in the past.  But I have some, most assuredly 40 years of being abused.  Past history, no excess baggage.

Being a very true entrepreneur, I've not given up.  I have a 'will' to live, survive, conquer the impossible unlike most others, but I have grown tired over the many years of battling the mountains.  So often I've been told by professionals not many would have continued with 1/2 of what I've been through.  I know.  I am a risk taker, a reasonably safe type though having been burned enough to learn.  I view myself as a square peg that doesn't fit into the mass world's society of round holes.  My dual nature is another side of myself that is very much a woman, artistic, sensitive to others, psychic more often than not, and caring about the world and everyone in it.  Too much so I've been told, my Achilles heel in business.  It's a no win situation, though perfect fodder for an entrepreneurial spirit.

arcfairyleft.gif picture by ARCBYHAt the core I am an Aires, a child at heart who loves to have fun, and so you see the animations to provide child-like entertainment fun to all.

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