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Business & Finance

Forums dealing with business, investing, personal finance, and career issues.

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Forums focused on civic and government organizations including law enforcement, the military, scouting, and public employee unions


Forums focused on companies and workplaces, as well as customers of certain businesses or products


Forums dealing with computers, operating systems, software, coding, PC gaming, and vintage computers

Creative Arts

Forums covering everything from graphic design to music to literature. Many of these forums are focused on message board signatures and forum themes.

Current Events

Current events forums: Far left to far right and everything in between

Education & Alumni

Mostly forums for people who went to school together, but these forums also cover adult education, homeschooling, history and languages


Forums covering music, films, television and books along with communities where people gather for fellowship and fun

Family & Parenting

Forums discussing raising children, family issues, and pregnancy


Forums discussing every kind of game from board games to role-playing games to fantasy sports to trivia

Health & Wellness

Forums for people to connect with others dealing with specific illnesses and health conditions, along with communities dealing with the health care industry

Hobbies & Crafts

Forums covering hobbies and interests ranging from stamp collecting to quilting to robotics to woodworking

Home Life

Forums covering everything you do in and around the home, including cooking, pets, gardening, and more

Internet & Web

Forums discussing everything you do online, including Web browsers, message board signatures, email, network security, social networking, HTML, and more


These forums cover a wide range of topics including dating, relationships, gay/lesbian issues, jewelry, clothing and plain old socializing

Motor Transport

Forums discussing cars and anything with a motor


Our home for all motorcycle-related forums. Some are club forums. Some are for a specific make or model. Some are for riders in a certain location.

Religion & Spirituality

Forums discussing traditional religions, spirituality, atheism, and spiritual beliefs

Science & Space

From astronomy to extraterrestrials, from hard science to the supernatural, these forums cover a wide range of topics

Sports & Recreation

Forums covering traditional sports, auto racing, horses, college and high school sports, shooting sports and more

Support & Recovery

Forums where people connect with others facing similar health conditions, life situations or hardships

Talk City Chat

Forums focused on real-time chat

Taste & Trends

Forums focused on fashion, beauty, food, and popular culture

Travel & Places

Forums focused on a certain place -- whether it's for people who live in that place, or those that visit

Religion & Spirituality Forums

Hosted by SecondLight
Messages: 30735 (0 posted today) Members: 11378 (0 active today)
A page dedicated to the spirituality of women! Contemporary life and women's history! Exploration of our inner selves and of our past, of our present! Let us build our future together! 
Messages: 230051 (0 posted today) Members: 16618 (0 active today)
The Cauldron is a friendly debate and discussion Web Forum for members of Neo-Pagan religions (such as Druidry, Reconstructionism, Wicca, etc.), their friends, and those interested in finding out about modern Paganism. 
A Witches' Thicket [login required]
Messages: 323123 (0 posted today) Members: 26571 (0 active today)
A crossroads of information centered around living life as a modern Pagan. While Pagan centered, those of all faiths (or none) are welcome and represented. We discuss a wide range of issues, dealing with not only religion and spirituality, but current events and the art of living in the modern world. 
Hosted by Morgana33
Messages: 66306 (0 posted today) Members: 2085 (0 active today)
Argante's Pagan Sanctuary is a place for Pagans of all traditions as well as the non-religious and other faiths to gather in friendship and share thoughts and information in an atmosphere of peace and mutual respect. Topics include what's in the news, family life, fun stuff, and the foundations of our beliefs. Newbies are welcome. 
Messages: 770549 (0 posted today) Members: 20085 (0 active today)
Basically this is About CG, the old great forum. Despite the title, you can discuss anything at all and moderation is so light it is, in practice, a free forum. Indeed, that's what we offer, it's our promise. You have freedom of speech, only constrained to that which would cause ToS to close us down. You will love this forum. Many already do. There is even a Flame Pit for very strong exchanges if debates become exceptionally contentious. The HELL Pit is by application only. There is... [+]
Messages: 1311 (0 posted today) Members: 279 (0 active today)
This is a place to share ideas and thoughts, opinions, studies, links, laughter and friendship! Maybe we'll be more specific later, maybe not! 
Messages: 2298 (0 posted today) Members: 1083 (0 active today)
A forum about living in the NOW. It is a way of life. Living in the NOW means enjoying each moment intensely, with all your senses, without past and future blocking your sight. 
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