From: Dominus (Zaige)

Date: 12/26/15

Conflict is unavoidable. No two people are the same, and where differences opinion occur, there's a good chance conflict will follow.

Now, if you're the faint of heart, and you'll vomit blood, eject your skeleton forcefully out of your mouth, and spontaneously combust at the first sign of advice won't help you. You're the kind of fair-weather friend who isn't a friend at all, but a very fickle acquaintance who is unreliable, unrealistic and unimaginative. When the going gets tough, you're already over the hills, and have left a Nastygram in your wake for someone to find, like when an ill-bred cat shits on the carpet, takes off, then goes into "out of sight, out of mind" mode, living life like usual like none of the aforementioned ever happened.

On the other hand, if you're a person worth knowing, you understand that conflict occurs, and that neither party need be 'bad' or 'evil' for a conflict to occur. You have a threshold for stress that can take more than a thimble's worth of adversity before flying off the handle and abandoning ship. When in a conflict, your focus is hashing out whatever misunderstanding or breach of boundaries RESULTED in the conflict, rather than namecalling, making accusations, or making degrading or insulting remarks about someone. If you belong to this second group, you're worth getting to know, and you're COUNTLESS steps above the 'Status Quo' that most human beings fall into.

If you're of the first group, nothing I say will reach you. You've made up your mind to remain ignorant, and to bumble around cross-eyed and repeat stupid mistakes until the day you die. I could talk until I'm blue in the face, but you'll never get it. You can't spare the brainpower, and while I pity you, I certainly don't envy you.

Truth be told...

All of my blog posts, my Social Media posts (et al) are for the Second Group. I know I am not going to change minds, I am simply trying to reach those who have more than their shoe size for a Brain Cell count, who have a strong knack for critical and objective thinking.

So, you Enlightened Few, know - if you don't already - that conflict can't be avoided so long as two people aren't identical, and have ANY differences to them whatsoever. It doesn't have to be the end-all to a friendship or relationship, and - if overcome - can actually make the people involved, AND the unit as a whole, stronger for the experience.

(PS: No, Meep, I am not going to take down this blog because some abusive and controlling tickturd wants the last word in all things. Any further threats will be used as topics in this blog, too, since you like to mouth off, but you've *never* been able to take it as well as you dish it out.)

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