Astrology Town USA

Friday, December 15, 2017 10:23 PM

2018 Astrology Events for the Calendar

Sun and Moon Events

January 1/2 - Full Moon Cancer, Supermoon. The first of two full supermoons for 2018.
January 3 - Earth at Perihelion - the closest point to the Sun in its yearly orbit.
January 31 - Full Moon Leo, Supermoon, Blue Moon/2nd Full Moon in January, Total Lunar Eclipse. This is the last full supermoon for 2018. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of western North America, eastern Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Ocean.

February is a Black Moon month. There is no Full Moon in February 2018.
February 13 Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)
February 14 Valentines' Day
February 15/16 - New Moon Aquarius, Partial Solar Eclipse, Chinese New Year of the Dog. The partial eclipse will be visible in portions of Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica. Because of the time of the New Moon, the Asian communities may celebrate the day on February 16.

March 20 - March/Aries Equinox
March 31 - Full Moon Libra, Blue Moon/2nd Full Moon in March. This is a rare second full moon in the same month that is particularly unique in that January and March both contain two full moons while February has no full moon.

June  21 - June/Cancer Solstice

July 6 - Earth at Aphelion  - the furthest point from the Sun in its yearly orbit.
July 13 - New Moon Capricorn, SuperMoon, Partial Solar Eclipse. The first of two new supermoons for 2018. The partial eclipse will only be seen from extreme southern portions of Australia and Antarctica.
July 27/28 - Full Moon Aquarius, Total Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Europe, Africa, western and central Asia, the Indian Ocean, and Western Australia.

August 10/11 - New Moon Leo, SuperMoon, Partial Solar Eclipse. The last new supermoon for 2018. This partial eclipse will be visible in parts of northeast Canada, Greenland, extreme northern Europe, and northern and eastern Asia. The best view will be in portions of northern Russia with a maximum of 68% coverage.

September 23 - September/Libra Equinox
September 24/25 - Harvest Full Moon Aries

December 21 - December/Capricorn Solstice
(Supermoon explained)

Major Planets - Retrograde Motion

Mercury Mar 23, 2018 00:19 Aries Stations for Retrograde Motion 

Mercury Apr 15, 2018 09:21 Aries Stations for Direct Motion

Mars Jun 26, 2018 21:05 Aquarius Stations for Retrograde Motion 

Mercury Jul 26, 2018 05:02 Leo Stations for Retrograde Motion 

Mercury Aug 19, 2018 04:25 Leo Stations for Direct Motion
Mars Aug 13, 2018 02:14 Retrogrades back into Capricorn
Mars Aug 27, 2018 14:05 Capricorn Stations for Direct Motion

Venus Oct 05, 2018 19:04 Scorpio Stations for Retrograde Motion 
Venus Oct 31, 2018 19:46 Retrogrades back into Libra   

Venus Nov 16, 2018 10:51 Libra Stations for Direct Motion
Mercury Nov 17, 2018 01:33 Sagittarius Stations for Retrograde Motion 
Mercury Dec 06, 2018 21:21 Scorpio Stations for Direct Motion

Outer Planets Ingress

Chiron Apr 17, 2018 08:07 Ingress into Aries

Uranus May 15, 2018 15:16 Ingress into Taurus

Chiron Sep 25, 2018 00:13 Retrogrades back into Pisces

Jupiter Nov 08, 2018 12:38 Ingress into Sagittarius

Out of Bounds Declination Transits 2018

Venus 12/22/17 - 01/05/18

Mars 03/17/18 - 4/07/18

Venus 05/23/18 - 06/08/18

Mercury 06/18/18 - 06/21/18

Mars 07/08/18 - 09/25/18

Mercury 11/02/18 - 11/20/18

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Friday, January 15, 2016 4:03 PM

Astrology Town

Granted, I have not updated Astrology town in many years, I just noticed that my forum link to the pages has gone missing.  

Update - it was just a glitch for a few hours. All is good now.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010 2:40 PM

We're All a-Twitter

Twitter with Us
We've gone a bit aTwitter this weekend.  Feel free to Twitter with us at one or more of our sites. &
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Saturday, May 08, 2010 9:39 PM

Zodiac and Astrology Term Glossary

Astrology Ruler Element Mode & Receptive data

A glossary of frequently used terminology that Lunar Living and Moon Tracks Astrology Calendar sites use in the articles has been placed on the blog. This information will be useful on many sites, but mostly addresses the terms that are frequently confusing for new readers of astrology.

 Moon Tracks Astrology Glossary

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What can I say about myself without sounding dorky? I enjoy studying astrology and psychology. I found Delphi back in 1998 and have been here ever since. It has been fun, interesting and at times a bit frustrating watching Delphi grow and evolve over the years. I think these Blogs are a great way to share information, thoughts and ideas. I hope you enjoy my musings on my little space here in Astrology Town.

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