Login Troubleshooting

If you're having problems logging in, the best place to turn for help is our Logging On FAQ.

If the FAQs don't help, here's some further information that may help solve your problem:

URL Issues

Occassionally, login problems are caused by members using old URLs to access Forums. Use http://forums.delphiforums.com/my-forums to reach your My Forums page instead of bookmarking a specific forum. You can then reach your favorite forums from My Forums.

Password Issues

If you are having trouble logging in, you may have requested a new password, or been advised to request one. You may receive a message like this from Delphi:

"You recently requested a new password for your Delphi Forums membername. Your current password will remain active until you use the new one ." The new password will be sent to you via email, try logging in with the new password. Be sure to type the new password exactly as it appears in this message, with no spaces. You can also consider using the 'Save Password' option that you see on the login screen, so that you won't need to type it in each time.

If you still experience trouble logging on, try typing your Email Address instead of your membername

Cookie Issues

Cookies must be enabled in your browser in order to log in to Delphi, and be sure that you are not blocking cookies with any ad-blocking software. NOTE: If you recently installed Windows XP, you will have to adjust its handling of cookies.

If you enable cookies and are still unable to log in, perhaps something happened to cause a problem with your login cookie. We suggest your cookies and trying again. To delete cookies in Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options... and click on the Delete Cookies button. Note that this will delete all cookies stored on your system for other sites as well.

Browser Issues

If you aren't using the latest version of your preferred browser, try upgrading. Here are some links that will help you find the latest version of your browser of choice: We also suggest using a non-customized browser - in other words, don't use AOL or Earthlink's customized browser; launch a separate version of Internet Explorer.

Still having problems logging in?

If you are still unable to access Delphi Forums after taking the steps above, please tell us exactly what is happening, including the following information:

  • Your membername and email address
  • The type and version of Web browser you're using
  • The exact wording of any error messages that you encounter
  • The full URL that appears when you get the error
  • Do you get the 'membername/password combination invalid?' popup as if you had typed-in the wrong password?
  • Do you just get the login page redisplayed after clicking 'Login?'
  • Do you get the new member registration screen?
Send this information to us at memberservice@delphiforums.com .