My life with Polymer Clay

The online route to friendship and knowledge

Friday, December 29, 2006 10:52 AM

Christmas came and went

Leanna and greatgrandpa
A Traditional Danish Christmas Tree
Admiring the candle
Unwrapping gift

This Christmas was my first as a grandmother - and what a delight it was.

Christmas Eve was spent with my parents, my daughters, my SIL and precious granddaughter. The darling little angel was all smiles throughout the evening.

I hope your Christmas was as joyous and peaceful as mine.

I wish you all a Happy New Year.


Comments (2)

  • 8/13/07 - Sunshine210Congrats on your grandbaby and becoming a grandma! It's such a marvelous thing! I became a...  Show Full Comment
  • 12/29/06 - ParymdkEva...she is growing like a weed! The picture of her and her great grandfather is wonderful. she...  Show Full Comment
Monday, September 25, 2006 6:48 AM

One month - and three to go

Leanna - September, 24th 2006

It's hard to believe that Leanna is a month old already - how time flies!!!!

Here she is in her elf outfit (yes, in this country we believe Santa's little helpers are dressed in red). Three months from now she's gonna be all over the packages under the Chrismas Tree.

Christmas!!!! - By golly - I better get started....

How about you?


Comments (6)

  • 12/24/06 - ParymdkMerry Christmas Twin Sister of mine. May this coming new year be filled with happinee, joy, love...  Show Full Comment
  • 12/21/06 - Eva (mejsel)Thanks, Scott - I hadn't even noticed that peace sign. But I knew she was an intelligent child....!
  • 12/21/06 - ItsMeScottSOOO Beautiful Eva, I love that her fingers are giving us the sign of peace. Congratulations!...  Show Full Comment
Friday, August 25, 2006 11:29 AM

Oh what a joy.....

The happy family
Father and daughter
Auntie Tamara and niece
Proud gramma
UMMMM - food
Satisfied - for now....

Pictures speak louder than words - and besides, I'm (almost) speechless with wonder and awe..

Can't promise the speechlessness will last forever, though!


Comments (5)

  • 9/14/06 - cghstuffoh, Eva - she's so beautiful! Thanks for putting up the new pics & sharing. Celeste
  • 8/31/06 - ParymdkSo my friend. Are you still enjoying being a grandma? or any more pictures of you holding the...  Show Full Comment
  • 8/28/06 - aramina5Congrats, Eva! What a little doll :)
About the Author
Eva (mejsel)

Hi there, friend - glad you entered - WELCOME!

My name is Eva, and I'm a Danish Polymer Clay addict.
As far back as I can remember (and that is faaaar back), I have had to have some sort of creative hobby going on - I can truthfully say, that very few stones in this field have been left unturned.
Of all the crafts I tried over the years, making jewelry was always closest to my heart, and my discovery of Fimo, almost 20 years ago, made this hobby even sweeter.
I worked with this medium off and on - in between all the other stuff, but it was still a far cry from being an addiction. It wasn't until the end of 2003, when I got my internet connection and punched in "Fimo" in a search engine, that I realized there was more to this than just mixing colors, marbeling, forming, simple caning and baking.

I learned about Skinner Blends, pasta machines, liquid clay, foils, metal leaf, inks, paints, mica shift, mokume gane, transfers and what not.
I learned that knowing about the techniques and possibilities and actually getting to using them are two very different things - where I live there's hardly any access to all the stuff I learned about online.
That's when I also learned about online friendships - the sharing and caring polymer clay community that is part of the Polymer Clay Central. Countless trades, errand runnings and generous gifts from my "enablers" on the other side of the pond, provided me with the supplies I needed to finally jump, head first, into this incurable addiction,


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