Hi there, friend - glad you entered - WELCOME!
My name is Eva, and I'm a Danish Polymer Clay addict.
As far back as I can remember (and that is faaaar back), I have had to have some sort of creative hobby going on - I can truthfully say, that very few stones in this field have been left unturned.
Of all the crafts I tried over the years, making jewelry was always closest to my heart, and my discovery of Fimo, almost 20 years ago, made this hobby even sweeter.
I worked with this medium off and on - in between all the other stuff, but it was still a far cry from being an addiction. It wasn't until the end of 2003, when I got my internet connection and punched in "Fimo" in a search engine, that I realized there was more to this than just mixing colors, marbeling, forming, simple caning and baking.
I learned about Skinner Blends, pasta machines, liquid clay, foils, metal leaf, inks, paints, mica shift, mokume gane, transfers and what not.
I learned that knowing about the techniques and possibilities and actually getting to using them are two very different things - where I live there's hardly any access to all the stuff I learned about online.
That's when I also learned about online friendships - the sharing and caring polymer clay community that is part of the Polymer Clay Central. Countless trades, errand runnings and generous gifts from my "enablers" on the other side of the pond, provided me with the supplies I needed to finally jump, head first, into this incurable addiction,