
All the things you wanted to know
but were afraid to ask.

All the things you wanted to know
but were afraid to ask.

About the Author

Who is Rudiye?

A multi-faceted being who has been known to change in accordance with her surroundings.

In the past, she has been a student of languages (Russian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese), an office manager, a leader of trivia games (movie trivia especially), and a writer of fan fiction (Dark Angel).

She arrived at Delphi via the Dark Angel Fans forum and has been here ever since, expanding her forum list to include her own forums as well as new fascinations such as Neopets.

Currently, she is the host of two Delphi forums (one active, Starburst Cafe, and one non-active, Quoteria), an absentee moderator at other forums, creator of games for Neoholics Anonymous, a bookkeeper (the mathematical sense) by profession, a bookkeeper/finder (accumulating books) by hobby, and a Graduate Student of English (MA) as well as a wife and a relatively new homeowner.

For the future...we shall see.

«April 2024»

The first rule of fight club...

From Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk:

"We don't have a great war in our generation, or a great depression, but we do, we have a great war of the spirit.  We have a great revolution against the culture.  The great depression is our lives.  We have a spiritual depression." (49)

The Definition of Mall...

I found a definition of a shopping mall that I like...

"'s like a church, sort of; people go there because they have some need they want filled, but the more stuff they buy to fill teh need, the more room there is to fill, so it becomes something designed to comfort them and make them feel less alone, like a religion.  A religion with corn dogs."

The Queen Geek Social Club (p. 43-4)

Country Dance by Margariad Evans


Special thanks to Frank and Higgette at the Constant Reader forum who have encouraged me to write about what I read.

I happen to own a copy of this book thanks to my many visits to library book sales when I put random books in my bags. Since I end up paying less than a quarter for most books, I tend to grab anything that seems interesting. The resulting books get sold, swapped, given, or read, with many volumes going through various combinations of the aforementioned.

Since I didn't know anything about it and it wasn't worth anything to sell, I put this book on my work Book Exchange shelf where it has sat for a while. Looking through things last week, I picked up a couple of volumes that I realized might be a beneficial addition to my growing academic library.

Now that I know more about the book, I am glad that I made that decision.

The edition I have is a 2005 edition that Catrin Collier has put together for the Library of Wales. Apparently, this book was originally written in 1932 and was out of print for many years. The Library of Wales is working on preserving its cultural literature.

Margiad Evans, born Peggy Whistler, lived on the borderlands of Wales and England. This particular work follows the character of Ann Goodman, a young country-woman who also lives in the borderlands. Written as a diary of her experiences (chronicles for the benefit of a jealous would-be fiancee), the novella allows the reader to experience the time and region through Ann's voice as well as the events she experiences.

A striking characteristic of Ann's voice is that everything is in the present tense - even when she is describing events that are past. The author mentions this in her introduction:

"It may seem remarkable that Ann in her writing makes use of only the present tense. It must be remembered that the entries were made over a space of months, and at teh beginning were intended to take the place of speech between her and her sweetheart. Her part of the world, for one reason or another, has preserved little dialect and fewer turns of speech, but teh custon of referring to past events as though they were at the moment occurring still survives, and doubtless would be even more prevalent in her day. To me this lends additional strength and vividness to her records, and at times even gives me the unconfortable feeling of listening at the keyhole" (5).

So far, from what I have read in the foreword, it is a novella and not a memoir. The use of the present tense may be irksome to other readers, but I quite enjoy the technique. I think that it brings an air of authenticity and makes her voice more alive.

The opening:

"Gabriel gives me this book, telling me to write in it all I do, for him to see, until we shall be married. And when that will be I do not know, since I am to leave Twelve Poplars and look to my mother" (9).


The Muse Asylum

While I was trying to recover from yet another headcold this weekend, I finally read a book that I have had on my shelves since last August...The Muse Asylum by David Czuchlewski.

This was David's first book. I really enjoyed it. Then again, I enjoy postmodern fiction. This one is not as hard to follow as some postmodern pieces. Chapters are told in one of two voices and are clearly identified when the voice is not Jake's. Czuuchlewski has since followed it up with Empire of Light. I'll want to read that one too.

Muse Asylum is a piece of postmodern fiction told in the voice of Jake Barnett, reporter and graduate of Princeton. Jake is interested in a mysterious reclusive author named Horace Jacob Little that has influence himself and other Princeton graduates. Besides storylines with a love interest, friendships, wrestling with one's place in society and the workforce, the raises questions such as:

  • Does an author have the right to be anonymous?
  • Do readers have rights to know biographical information about authors?
  • What are the boundaries between creative genius and insanity? 

A quote from the text concerning Jake's first contact with a book by Little:

"A stray paperback, overstocked or misordered, fell into the possession of my high school English teacher. Recognizing nothing of what would come of it, she gave me this copy of The Unreal City, Horace Jacob Little's early masterpiece of love and betrayal. It did not look promising to me. Of the book's six hundred pages, the first twenty provided a detailed history and geography of its fictional setting. At the time I was a fan of books in which vampires have killed several people by page twenty. Worst of all, the cover was blank except for the title and the author's anme. It looked unfinished -- something long and tedious that the publisher simply gave up on and sent out without bothering to commission artwork."(9)


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