Bean's Blog

I'll write about what I feel like writing about. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. :-)
20 April 2013

Breakfast of Champions

(Sure I had it for lunch, but it's breakfast food) 2 large scrambled eggs with one slice of fat-free American cheese mixed in. 3 slices of center cut bacon 2 fat-free Nutri Grain Eggo waffles with 1/4 cup sugar-free syrup. So good, so filling, and only 400 calories! Considering all I had for actual breakfast was a 90 calorie Special K bar, I'm doing pretty good so far today. :-)
6 May 2010

Steampunk Style Test

Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Ragamuffin

18% Elegant, 34% Technological, 10% Historical, 28% Adventurous and 80% Playful!

You are the Ragamuffin, the embodiment of steampunk playfulness. Chances are, you approach the genre from a much more casual and lighthearted standpoint than most other fans. To you, there is always an element of play inherent in the genre, and you may very well enjoy fashion as much for the opportunity to dress up as for the style itself. You probably wear goggles as an accessory, and rarely as actual eye-protection. Your outfits are likely to incorporate a lot of brown or cream, and combine large boots, Victorian corsets or vests, aviator caps or bowler hats, and gypsy skirts or slacks, simply because you like them all.

Try our other Steampunk test here.

Take The Steampunk Style Test at OkCupid

7 March 2009

If you could eat only one food...

I've been thinking... If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I'd choose rabbit. Because if you eat only rabbit, you starve to death from lack of fat in your diet. Who'd want to live long if they could eat only one food?
26 August 2007

A Very Good Day

Me and Warwick Davis!

Yesterday was so cool. To start it off, Chelsea FC won their match against Portsmouth, placing them at the top of the league. My friend who supports Arsenal says Chelsea have been lucky. I don't really care if it's luck or not, just so long as we win. Come on, Chelsea!

Then my husband, our friend Eric and I went to Monster-Mania 9 in Cherry Hill, NJ where I got my picture taken with Warwick Davis and I also got his autograph. I am a HUGE fan of Warwick Davis, so this was a really, really big deal for me. Since I'm extremely shy, you know I must really worship the dude in order to go through with meeting him. I was so scared that I nearly bolted out of line at the last minute, and I swear my hands were shaking for about an hour afterwards even though he was super nice. It was well worth a bit of nervousness, though, because I can't stop smiling when I look at the picture of us together.

After we left Monster-Mania, we stopped at the Elephant & Castle Pub & Restaurant just down the road. I had some shepherd's pie that was absolutely phenomenal, my hubby had the fish and chips and Eric had the curry. Everything was really good. The only thing that would have made it better is if I hadn't been driving or if we could have stayed longer because they have an excellent choice of beers. (Never drink and drive, kids!) They even have Old Speckled Hen on tap there! I can't wait until we can go back.

The day may be over but I'm still in the best of moods. Days like that just don't happen often enough.

2 July 2007

Horses on Halloween

I met a fellow on Saturday who knows a lot of horse owners. Now, this group of horse owners apparently have a horse costume contest every Halloween. As an example of the sort of costumes they come up with, he told me about one lady who painted her horse all red with jello powder, put a ladder on the side of it and said it was a fire truck.

Not a bad idea, I thought. But I, personally, would paint my horse to look like two people in a horse costume...

11 February 2007

Crazy, but in a good way.

I just had to share this.

My husband and I recently took one of our more economically challenged friends out to dinner. Since he doesn't have any money, he just doesn't get out all that much and isn't used to the whole restaurant experience. When it came time for the waiter to take our order he decided to get a hamburger, so the waiter asked him how he would like it cooked. My friend just sat there for a moment looking like a deer in the headlights before he finally answered, "Surprise me."

It was a good thing I was wedged all the way against the wall of the booth, or I would have likely ended up on the floor I was laughing so hard. I don't know how the waiter stayed on his feet. He must have been a true professional.

When we finally all stopped laughing, my friend followed up by saying "You can't say I'm not a fun date." He certainly got that right!

20 August 2006

Mystery Solved


It is the custom at the office where I work to bring in unwanted candy and treats in the hopes of making one's coworkers fatter than you are. This, I'm sure, makes the skinny (or at least less fat) ones feel ever so superior.

I am usually able to resist these temptations, as I am extremely picky and like very little that other people would be trying to get rid of. However, I was recently taken in by some Dum Dum lollipops that were left as an offering on the break room table. There were only three, a cream soda one that is there still, a green apple one which I snapped up straight away (as I love any candy that is fake-apple flavoured) and a 'Mystery' flavoured one. They first intrigued me because there were so few of them, as you'd think a person would just finish them if they'd gotten that far through the bag. That's the only reason I paused to read what flavours they were in the first place.

At first, I intended only to take the apple one. Cream soda has never really appealed to me, and as for the 'Mystery' one, who would want to eat candy if you didn't even know what it tasted like? Still, I couldn't help being just a bit curious. What did mystery taste like? And how did the Dum Dum lollipop people know what mystery tasted like? One of them must have been brave (or inquisitive) enough to try it.

I found that throughout the day I could not stop wondering about this stupid lollipop and decided that, if it was still there when it was time to go home, I would claim it and give it a taste. Not surprisingly, I found it just where its previous owner had left it at the end of the work day. And so, it fell to me to solve the mystery.

Removing the wrapper, I first observed that 'Mystery' was a pleasing pink colour. Not a bad start. I gave it a sniff and found it to have a quite nice fruity sort of smell. All that was left was to taste it, so I thought I'd better dive right in. I popped the whole Dum Dum in my mouth with reckless abandon, and waited for a taste to register. It was good! With a sigh of relief I next endeavoured to discover if the flavour could be identified as something I'd tasted before. It could not. The best I could surmise was that the taste was very close to strawberry, but not quite strawberry.

In any case, I find that I really quite like the taste of mystery and shall never again turn my nose up at it. If you have never tasted it yourself, I highly recommend it!

20 August 2006

New Fritz the Gnome Chapter!

Fritz and Johann are chased by an evil robot

One day, Fritz and his friend, Johann Smartholemew Schmeckpeeper, were taking a nice walk through the Tulgey Wood when they came upon a most curious object. It was a figure constructed of metal, but it was badly rusted and covered with weeds and creepers.

They would have done well to leave it alone...

See what happens here:

15 May 2006

New Fritz the Gnome Chapter

He saw Lady Cassilda as if in a dream, revealing her face from behind a horrid, pale mask.

'The Adventures of Fritz the Gnome' has begun its sixth year!

Join Fritz on a quest to discover the secret of an ancient rune song, despite being warned that the song and the quest for its meaning have driven many to madness and death.

What is that Gnome thinking???

'Chapter 120: The Thing in Yellow: A World of Allusions' can be found here:


Comments (1)

18 March 2006

My Five Factor Personality Profile


You have low extroversion.
You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.
A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.
You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.


You have medium agreeableness.
You're generally a friendly and trusting person.
But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.
You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.


You have high neuroticism.
It's easy for you to feel shaken, worried, or depressed.
You often worry, and your worries prevent you from living life fully.
You tend to be emotionally reactive and moody. Your either flying very high or feeling very low.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is medium.
You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.
But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.
You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.

Get your own profile here:

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theBean (THEBEAN2)There isn't a whole lot I'd like to say about me. I'm shy. :-)
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