rump•a•rooz ®

Here is the day to day skinny of what is going on in my world. How many diapers was I able to get finished many orders are shipping tomorrow or when my next shipping day is. What sorta drama happened that kept me from completing orders for a few days, etc, etc....Im a mom so it can get complicated! But I have always believed that they key to success in ANYTHING in life is communication.

Update: 6/13/07

Update for happenings on Wednesday, June 13, 2007:

Things aren't going well around here.  Im awfully sick and so are both of my girls.  It makes it hard to get anything done.  I have been working on this custom order though and it has given me a really hard time!  I dont know if it is cause I am sick or tired but I just kept sqrewing it up and starting over with new fabric.  I only got 1 diaper finished ALL day.  But now I know what I need to do so the other 2 shouldn't take nearly as much time and I will have them in the mail by tomorrow evening.

The other 7 diapers I am still going to try and rock out by Friday.

1 day till help arrives!!!

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