Perpetually Perplexed

Musings of a Messy Mind

A scintilating tale of ongoing mayhem, mishaps and musings as narrated by a beachwalking, dog loving never quite retired educator, wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and run-on sentence creator par excellance....

Denamark...Day 16...Departure

Denmark...Day16...Departure Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leaving Denmark
Today is the day. Later this afternoon we depart for England. Jakob will be here at 2PM to take us to the airport. We have all agreed that this time in Denmark has been memorable and magical. I have much to say about Denmark and the home exchange process, but will save those entries for a later time. I will write these reflections in this journal after I return home to America and am back on my own computer. For the present, this journal will remain mostly photos. The photos will be my memory joggers for later reflections of people, places and events.

The morning was spent tidying the house, washing and drying sheets and towels. Janet and I took a brief walk through what had been our neighbourhood for the past two weeks. We both agreed how quickly we had felt at home here and how much we loved the house and the neighbourhood.
Our Home for the past sixteen days is shown below
Adjacent and nearby neighborhood homes
Jakob arrived promptly at 2PM. He whisked us off to Copenhagen airport. The airport in Copenhagen is quiet and uncrowded, so unlike Miami or Heathrow. We were through security in ten minutes, a unique experience. Our two-hour flight to London was uneventful. We were through immigration and had collected our baggage in about fifteen minutes.
 Niece Karen was waiting for us outside the terminal. She dropped John and Me off at the rental car office. We said good-bye to Janet and David, who were heading back home to their village. We were going on to daughter Louise’s home about twenty-five minutes from Heathrow. The final weeklong leg of our vacation was beginning.

«May 2024»
Blog Entries
A scintilating tale of ongoing mayhem, mishaps and musings as narrated by a beachwalking, dog loving never quite retired educator, wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and run-on sentence creator par excellance....

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