Larimer's Lair

A place for me to document what's on my mind at any given point in time, and to promote my book "Organ Donation: Why My Heart's Not In It Anymore" which I have posted to my forum of the same name and is available free for anyone to read there.


Organ Donation Hypocrites?

In my book and forum "Organ Donation: Why My Heart's Not In It Anymore", in the folder titled "Addendum To My Book," post 7.14, I argue that "some of the people who are among the staunchest advocates for organ donation wanted nothing to do with it until they or someone they love needed a transplant," and as an example, I cited the case of a middle-aged Ohio man and his wife, neither of whom signed up to be an organ donor until after he learned he had a liver disease and would eventually need a liver transplant.   He said he felt badly to know that it was something he overlooked, and he also said he realized that people might ask where was he then, and then he answered his own question, saying that his head was in the sand.   I, on the other hand, suggested that it might actually be the most normal thing in the world for people to have their head in the sand about something like organ donation:  That is, maybe when we find ourselves expecting more of others than we expect of ourselves, that should be our first clue that we're expecting too much.  

Along the same line, I heard the father of a child who received a transplant say that he wasn't sure he could bring himself to donate his child's organs if the shoe was on the other foot.

Too few people seem to understand that organ donation can be a double-edged sword.

Just something to think about. 

About the Author
KATHY_OAKMy name is Kathy Larimer.  I was born in 1948, in Ohio, where I now live with my husband to whom I've been married since 1968 and with whom I've had four children-- three daughters and a son, in that order.  We now also have six grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren  

     We also have one cat named Sky who came to us as a stray in 2009, and we also have a 14-year-old cockatiel that I inherited from my eldest daughter, and three parakeets that were hatched right here in our house in 2012.  

     My forum host name--"KATHY_OAK"--dates back to my first Delphi forum which focused on issues relating to the sex research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey who I very much wanted to "out" based on what I learned about him and how his sex research has been used to the detriment of our society and culture.  Thus, "OAK" is an acronym for "Outing Alfred Kinsey."    

    Now I've also taken on the issue of organ donation based on what I learned about it after my husband and I lost our 18-year-old son to brain death in 2001 and consented to donate his organs.  My book about it-- "Organ Donation: Why My Heart's Not In It Anymore" --is accessible free to read through my forum of the same name.  You can access my forum and book here:

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