Riding the Fringe

Life is not about what you have, where you got it, or where you keep it. It's a journey, a white-knuckle ride, and if you take it too seriously it will beat you down. I don't have all the answers. I often don't even understand the questions, but I'm a keen observer and I'm not shy about sharing those observations.


Too bad

The Obama melt-down is epic.

It's just too damned bad that he took the rest of us with him.

The Gritty Truth
Mike (3680MIKE)I work with my hands and with my mind. I fix things, improve things, design useful things. I make my living this way.
But I also create art. I draw, sculpt, paint, build, write.
This keeps me relatively sane because it gives me a safety valve. This is part of that valve.
If you're easily offended by unshielded opinion then maybe this isn't for you. I'm not an iconoclast, but I have no great expectations for my fellow travellers either. Usually, when I have a thought, I give it free run to roam around and catch some air.
We don' need no steenkin' Wednesday
«May 2024»

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