Riding the Fringe

Life is not about what you have, where you got it, or where you keep it. It's a journey, a white-knuckle ride, and if you take it too seriously it will beat you down. I don't have all the answers. I often don't even understand the questions, but I'm a keen observer and I'm not shy about sharing those observations.


the email that will sink Hillary Clinton

"What does it matter?" Clinton stood over the bodies of the Americans who died in Benghazi on her watch and lied straight out to the American people as to why those men were dead simply to cover Obama's ass in his re-election efforts, and now the proof is in hand. Buh bye, 2016. Buh bye.
The Gritty Truth
Mike (3680MIKE)I work with my hands and with my mind. I fix things, improve things, design useful things. I make my living this way.
But I also create art. I draw, sculpt, paint, build, write.
This keeps me relatively sane because it gives me a safety valve. This is part of that valve.
If you're easily offended by unshielded opinion then maybe this isn't for you. I'm not an iconoclast, but I have no great expectations for my fellow travellers either. Usually, when I have a thought, I give it free run to roam around and catch some air.
We don' need no steenkin' Wednesday
«May 2024»

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