The Message of Truth

If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. --Jesus Christ (John 8:31-32)

Wm. Branham on Allah

William Branham on Allah:

"Mohammedans believe that Jehovah God is God."
("Who Is This?" sermon #59-1122)

"The Mohammedans believe the same God we believe."
("We Have Seen His Star and Have Come to Worship Him," sermon #63-1216)

Are Yahweh and Allah the same? A simple comparison of the nature of Yahweh v. Allah makes the answer very simple.

A most important distinction between Yahweh and Allah is the good news of the cross of Christ. Allah's book, the Koran, denies the saving aspect of the cross. The Koran denies the Deity of Jesus Christ. In fact, the Koran rejects the fact that Jesus even died on the cross. The Koran says that it was an impostor who was made to look like Jesus who really died on the cross, therefore making the gospel of the cross of no effect whatsoever. And this is the god who WMB said Christians share a belief in.

Should we expect a prophet of God to know the difference between a false god and the true and living God? Could we say that a prophet who didn't know the difference didn't really know Yahweh?

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