God's Jewish And Noachide Covenants

It Is The Terms Of God's COVENANTS For Which Every Human Being Will Ultimately Be Judged, And NOT From His Choice Of Religion

       Do you think you understand God?  Don't be so sure.  Do you think you understand what God wants and expects from you?  Again, do not be so sure.  God has a message for you:  Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 55:8 - "For My thoughts are NOT your thoughts, and your ways are NOT My ways, says the Lord."  We present you with vital information and do so lucidly.  Pull up a chair and relax in the shade. 

7. The Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach - Part 2

3.  Murder

        "Murder" is a subset of "kill."  Not all killing is murder.  Self defense is not murder, and righteous warfare is not murder.  Euthanasia IS murder, suicide IS murder, assisting in suicide IS murder, and abortion of a fetus over 40 days IS murder.  Under 40 days is willful destruction of man's seed, and is adjudicated by Heaven, and not by a human Noachide court.  If one uses another to commit a murder, both are guilty.  This would include euthanasia and assisted suicide.

        Later I will be writing more on abortion, particularly the differences on this subject between God's Jewish covenant and God's Noachide covenant.   

4.  Theft

        The prohibition of theft is very difficult to properly observe.  Stealing very minor items is still stealing.  Raping a woman is stealing.  Overcharging is stealing.  Using false weights and measures, and other forms of fraud are stealing.  Impairing a person physically or psychologically is stealing.

5.  Forbidden Sexual Practices

        Homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, and incest are forbidden.  What constitutes incest in the eyes of God, will not be identical to what modern society thinks of as incest.  

        I will be writing later about the prohibition of relationships between non-Jews and Jews, and about polygamy, polyandry, and polyamory. 

6.  The Limb Of An Animal  (Aiver Min Hachai)

        An animal must not be moving anymore before any part of the animal may be consumed.  I'll give you an example.  There are people who will castrate cows, and make soup out of the parts they remove.  This would be such a violation.

        The essence may be thought of as "consideration" for animals.  Aiver min hachai is the bare minimum God requires.  Over and above the minimum is a positive, vegetarianism however is not a positive.  Bear in mind, that if consideration for animals is a positive, it must be a vastly greater positive to show consideration for people.  That is how one begins to train oneself to think in a Godly manner.

        I will discuss the subject of eating blood, and the subject of vegetarianism later.

7.  Justice

        In God's Jewish law, there is a combination or prohibited actions and required actions.  In God's Noachide law, there are prohibited actions ONLY.  Thou shalt not do this, and thou shalt not do that.  

        Justice is also a prohibition.  Normally Justice is quoted as something like this, "Thou shall create a system of courts and laws to enforce God's other six Noachide laws."  This is not quite correct.

        The actual requirement of justice is to avoid living in any area which does NOT have such a system of courts and laws already in place.  Therefore, out of the prohibition, we derive a positive requirement, that is, requiring that such a system be created if it does not already exist. 

        In today's world we have corrupted governments everywhere, making this Godly commandment of GOD'S JUSTICE most difficult.  This will change in the future when Moshiach (the Messiah) is unveiled to the world...soon in my opinion.  I will write in a more detailed manner on Moshiach later.

«April 2024»
About the Author
Shalom, Just a little bit about myself. I am an orthodox Jew who is well known on the Jewish internet. For years I have been answering questions for people on major Jewish websites, and I am also the host of my own Jewish website. In my earlier years I was the publisher of the Jewish children's magazine "Yeladim." Oh, and I am also a mashgiach, which means I am responsible that food eaten from any establishments I am overseeing is kosher.

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