From: WaltBrown44

Date: 3/8/18

Drear Readers & reedcollecteurs....  We were VERY upset when we found that what we thought was a typical recent story  led to a nation-wide pant-ick, with some severely dressed and distressed, uncombed, unstable, unstablesweeping, OOC babbling  parties reaching 40+  inhails/exhails per mignute.  However, world-renowned READER-PANICK exspurt Dr. EMLER YIP reinsured us, as we boughet an insurerants Polly C for just $10,000 to protecked uss freghm Outlandish DisAbeLincolning 'disable bling attaxes that are at least 51% implausible and inclausible according to the current stand-in for the year Santa, who has been proven missing and unaccounted forem sints 1937!   

mulch more about to spill out any secant! in livid publickque view... we'll keep you up-dated  (guarandarntee U better looking, more intelegent mail/femail representatiffs then yer 100 last SKUNKVILLE SAGA waste-o-time-bomb randumb set-ups for reader intellectual/casual fun & frolick...!

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