From: CyYentz

Date: 11/24/09

 Between throwing the uncontrolled mentally ill out onto the streets to endanger themselves and others, paying huge bonuses to industry executives who've mismanaged their companies into bankruptcy, paying $2 million per year to a college football coach, paying exorbitant bonuses to university administrators who are eliminating courses and raising college fees, seeing the unfortunates and incapable who are homeless demonized in the press and on the streets, I wonder if there's any reason for this society to survive 2012.  Though I'm not a follower of the Judeo-Christian belief system, I have to wonder what ever happened to Christian charity.  I've put myself out there to take two homeless men off the streets of San Francisco and help them get home to their families -- and I subsist on SS Disability!  I give small change, food and old clothing or blankets to homeless strangers on the street -- even let them into my apartment to take showers and / or pay for laundering their few belongings in a laundromat.  And I'm a follower of the Old Religion -- neither mono-theistic nor taking a cowards way out by blaming my bad choices on some demonic influence. 

Our country and our world need a strong dose of humanity, numerous lessons in the true meaning of caring and a return to the attitudes that prevailed when EVERY citizen sacrificed to support the legitimate use of our armed forces in honourable wars.  Of course, we'd have to have "honourable wars" first, but that's a symptom of what's wrong, not a cause of our problems.


Thoughts When Recovery Is Just Life

I always tried to be the very best
Horrible example I could manage.
Most of my days I could handle that test
Without thinking about it, any way.

Then I went and pulled the absolute worst
Boner an asocial ass ever could –
The dope had helped me forget I was cursed
To have to keep living, no choice at all.

So I think I may go out and have fun
Doing the same type of shit that I did
When all that mattered was me getting done
So all the pains would fade back for a bit.

I could give up on the world and on hope
With no effort and just say, "So long!"
All types of hurt fade out when I have dope,
And it can’t be that bad if I feel good!


Lost In My Mind

Dark and lonely,
Empty of empathy,
The locked door
Opened once from the wrong side.
Now it’s only Me, seeking sympathy,
In a strange room
That kills the heart, thought and pride.
The only hope I can offer is that
Nothing lasts forever.



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