Date: 10/6/23

Yes, it has now been 22 years since my son's death.  I came back here today for the first time in months, and then I went back and read what I wrote about the book "The Organ Thieves."  I also noted that it had almost 800 views, which may or may not mean anything, but it would be my hope that it means there are lurkers reading what I write.  But then, I wish everybody would read everything I write.

These days I am torn between writing about brain death and organ donation and writing about LGBTQiA+ issues which I have now been studying and following for over 30 years.  I think the transgender issue is taking our society in the wrong direction.

Most recently, I've read the books "The Coddling of the American Mind" and "Irreversible Damage," both of which I have critiqued in the same manner that I critiqued "The Organ Thieves."  
My husband and I have now been married for 55 years, and I just recently celebrated my 75th birthday.  My gait has changed a bit, and I am a couple inches shorter than I used to be, but other than that I guess I'm fine. (I say "I guess" because I still haven't been to a doctor in years.)  

More later,
Kathy , aka KATHY_OAK

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