From: sirat (tribolumem)

Date: 1/17/08



Do you feel the tingle?

I feel it so strong now

Starting in my spine and running down arms and legs

It comes when I say something in self talk

and He approves.


Once I held another person’s hand when it happened.

The tingle ran straight from me into her.

Powerful stuff

It is the sensation of closeness to God


I go years without it

Then have it almost every few minutes for hours

It is right here right now


I am on the edge of telling something

Who am I telling? You? Me? Does it matter? This tingle is that there is no difference between the thoughts of you and me and those here now and those in the past and those in the future and this tingle is burning me alive at this very instant It is as if all the intellect and dreams and happiness of the world coursed through me for this moment


And now it subsides


It was like a flash flood

Carving the river bank wildly as it gushes past

Leaving a dry canyon to view.

Wonder where the water went?

Not here now.


How does one hold water

When one is full?

Best to be an empty cup

An empty clay pot

To hold a bit of the flood

Even to be a thimble

Just to hold that much

Would be better than looking back

At the dryness surrounding what

Once was a flood

Eh Noah?


When God floods the world

It is not a feeling you quickly forget.

The water is his goodness.

Goodness floods the evil and the evil drowns

It is not death but a metamorphosis

The same molecules are left

The same atoms take new life

Yet they become better than before


Better, ever better

Even better if we realize

The Unit and Unity cannot exist

Without each other

From the One, many

Yet the many become one.

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