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From: Mike (3680MIKE)

Date: 11/1/13

It pays to ride the fences every now and then. I value honesty. Here's mine:

First of all, I refuse to call you "progressives" as that lends you a mantle of your being proponents of beneficial change which you are not. You are retrograde to the advancement of human society in general and the American ideal in particular.

So, just a few questions.

Why do you insist on using a twelve-pound hammer to drive in your brad nail message? Why do you think we could possibly be swayed by the cut-and-plagiarized snippets from ultra-leftist media outlets and the ignorant agitprop that you insist on using to bolster your so called "debate" style? Do you honestly expect to change any minds?

I doubt it. You are here to cause trouble and disrupt the conservative conversation. We see right through you.

But here's heads-up. A realization I also doubt has ever lit up the dank corners of your stunted intellects. A great many conservative minds have already been changed once.

Like honest holy men, many conservatives have had a crisis of faith at some point. Usually coinciding with immersion into the cesspool of leftist tainted higher public education. But, in Horowitz-like transformation we observed the real world and how it worked and how it was manipulated and we retooled our thought processes. We've noted time and again, through logical observation, the failure of the welfare state and the true agenda of the liberal mindset.

For me, it was the abysmal failure of Jimmy Carter who was president when I reached voting age. There has never been a more pathetic and inept ideologue in the White House. Of course, the jury is still out on (the little messiah) but the bloom is quickly leaving the vine there after five years of lies and failure. Zero is demonstrating daily his propensity for error, not only as a politician but as an American citizen, sworn to the defense of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

So, don't think that you're something fresh and new. We've seen you before. We've heard everything you have to say a thousand times over, from Jane Fonda in charlie's mess tent in 'Nam, to Cindy Sheehan venting gas in Crawford, to the freakshow 'news' media you all seem addicted to parroting.

We're immunized by life experience to your mindless cheerleading. We know exactly what the "progressive" agenda is trying to do to this nation. We spend hours with our children shooting holes in the propaganda they're forced to endure in schools we pay for. We try to answer the questions they raise, even at their tender ages, when they get the first inklings that they're being lied to by somebody in the chain of command over their vulnerable lives. We try to calm their angst when they see their family values attacked on a daily basis by the paid agents of the socialist secularism that their teachers have become. We struggle to give them reasons why some of their classmates insist on being taught in languages other than English and refuse to honor the traditions of patriotism and national pride in America.

But now we are represented by growing numbers of fed up citizens of all races and economic strata. There are huge numbers of us all across this country and we aren't leaving. We built it. It's ours. We're going to defend it from you and your schemes to carve it up and pass it out to deadbeats and criminals who jump our borders for welfare checks which are really just payola buying votes to keep you in office. Stand in our way at a voting booth and we will move you aside.

So scream yourselves into incontinence over Glenn Beck's old-fashioned truthful patriotism and Sarah Palin's family values. Spray spittle at your TV screens over the fact that Fox News beats your asinine talking heads at every turn in the ratings. Defend the criminal actions of ACORN and the SEIU simply because they validate your warped image of the world. Plaster your 'green' cars with O-bot paraphernalia and worship a clueless and increasingly dangerous idiot thrust into a seat of power by a traitorous media, massive illegal voter registrations, bald-faced lies, and foreign money. Cheer him as he bows to terrorists and shakes hands with dictators.

Just don't act so damned sanctimonious when we laugh you out of the room.

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