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From: Luger (DHagedorn)

Date: 1/4/08

We (this country) need a plan to deal with the illegal immigrant problem. The schemes that have been proposed all have failed because they are either overly lenient or overly harsh - and all have catered to extremist parts of society rather than seeking to make the country whole.

I suggest the following. First and foremost, revamp the immigration process. What we have in place now is archaic, inefficient and unworkable. Limits based on nationality? NO! We need a way to allow people to come in as registered visitors and we need a way to track them and send them home when they do not obey our laws or overstay their welcome. The system needs to be easy for all to understand and comply, yet rigorous enough to identify those who do not meet our standards: belief in freedom, belief in respect for others, and respect for the law.

Give those here a grace period to become legal. Those who return home, we need to create a "short line" for them to come back as legal visitors. For those who cannot return "home", strict penalties for them, those who harbor them, and those who employ them. A carrot and stick approach will be needed. Reward those who come forward and punish those who do not. This is not the amnesty plan proposed by the President or the Democrats. To gain legal entry, they would have to return home, furnish all required paperwork to re-enter and provide proof that they were previously here, gainfully employed, or part of a family and did not need to work. Go home, get in an expedited visa program, and return here within one month --- legally! Have significant fines, jail time, and a lifetime ban on entry to the U.S. for all who evade their responsibilities.

Add free English classes for all. Make them available through our public school system in the evenings. Pay qualified teachers to conduct the classes. And enforce that English is the language of the land by making it legally "the language of the land".

I would announce my proposed plan to the country, something like this:


My friends, my fellow Americans, we need to gain control over a broken system of immigration. We need to secure our borders. We need to be able to let qualified people immigrate in a reasonable and legal process that is not a series of hurdles, but a means to become a legal part of the greatest country in modern times.

We need to acknowledge that for many years, this country has sent mixed signals out about immigration. We have ignored the fact that millions have violated our laws in order to achieve a better life for themselves. Because we broke the system, we have to pay the price and do what we possibly can to heal things. Because we allowed millions to illegally enter the country and make good lives for themselves, we must offer these people a reasonable way to become legal immigrants and have an opportunity for a path to citizenship. Along with this, we must secure our borders and make the immigration system just, fair, efficient and effective. Normally law-abiding people who wish to come here and become part of the United States, must be welcomed and asked to conform to our laws.

On our eastern border is a statue with the words by Emma Lazarus, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!". Those poor, those displaced, those wretched refuse have achieved the most incredible accomplishments known to man. They have created a society based on God-given freedoms, in which anyone can succeed and advance. Who are those wretched souls? Look to your right or to your left. They are all around you. They are you. We Americans have done what no other group of people before have done. We can extend our hands to others and give them an opportunity that does not exist in much of the world. Because of an idea, because people were willing to risk their lives for freedom, we can enjoy and share with others who have those same dreams.

And because we are a nation of laws, the laws must be respected and followed in order to have a society in which we want to live and flourish. To enter the country, you need to follow the law. We owe a debt to many who are living here now without legal documents. Let us, as Americans, extend a hand to those and make it possible to become documented. Let us offer rewards for following the law, yet have a stout stick for those who continue to flaunt the law. We can welcome in many more and help them to assimilate into our society while respecting the traditions they grew up with. Let us make English the language of the land and make it possible for everyone to learn it through free community programs. Let us accommodate those with needs and assist them with learning our ways and laws. I offer an outstretched hand but require adherence to the laws.

This is a great country that was built on the backs of immigrants and the children of immigrants. We have a history we must honor and all we will ask is that those who wish to partake and contribute to America, do so legally and respectfully.

Thank you my friends.

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