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Date: 2/4/06


         We have thus far learned that God does NOT deal in RELIGIONS.  God deals in COVENANTS.  We now take a closer at religions and why they are problematic.  We will break down religions into categories and say a few poignant words about each.

        First however, a QUESTION:  What is God's religion?

       ANSWER:  God doesn't have a religion, BUT, if you WERE to say that God had a religion, that religion would be called, TRUTH, since for God, that is all there is.  Anything that isn't truth resides in us, never in God.

        Anybody who insists on having a religion, would be very wise to choose TRUTH, and nothing else, and that would mean OBSERVANT JUDAISM for Jews, and NOACHISM for everyone else.  There are no other options in the realm of truth.

1)  Observant (Orthodox) Judaism and Noachism -

      Although called religions, they are not.  They are contracts between us and God.  It is via the terms of these vital contracts that we will ultimately be judged, and not by our choice of religion. 

2)  Conservative, Reform, and Burger King (Have it your own way) Judaism -

      Orthodox Judiasm is NOT a religion, but THESE brands of Judaism ARE religions.  Any time Jews decide to arbitraily change their covenant with God, they have established their own riligion, and that is very bad news. 

       For example, when leaders of the conservative Jewish movement decided to allowing driving on Shabbos, so long as it was only to temple, they were attempting to change the terms of their covenant with God.  For example, when leaders of the reform movement decided to allow varieties of patrilineal descent to determine who is Jewish, they were attempting to change the terms of their covenant with God.  For example, when leaders of the Burger King Judaism movements decided to perform gay and interfaith marriages, they were attempting to change the terms of their covenant with God.

       As they deny their covenant, replacing it with their choice of religion, at the same time they are on a downhill slope as they lose piece by piece whatever attachment to their covenant remained with them.  Extremely bad news. 

3)  Kabbalah -

     What Kabbalah is, is very advanced Judaism.  Jews study for decades before they consider themselves ready to take on Kabbalah, TRUE Kabbalah, and most Jews never delve into this area of study no matter how learned they are.   

      The problem with trying to study Kabbalah, is that you think you are learning something wonderful and meaningful.  What you are really doing is diverting your attention AWAY from what you should be focusing on:  Jewish law for Jews, and Noachide law for everyone else.

      I know Kabbalah sounds hip and exotic, but that is not where your ultimate judgment will be coming from.  Take care of your real business, because judgment WILL arrive, and forever is a very long time.

4) Islam -

      The big positive for Islam is that they have only one God, no trinity or other polytheism.  The big negative is that they do not accept God's Torah as God gave it.  They deny that Yitzchak (Isaac) was the one chosen by God for Avraham to sacrifice, and that it was Ishmael instead.  The Torah was given around 2,000 years before there was a Mohammed, and their claims are baseless.  Islam also has issues with God's Noachide prohibitions of Murder, blasphemy, theft, and more.  

5) Christianity -

      There is a divided opinion among the Jewish sages as to whether a non-Jew is allowed the CONCEPT of a trinity (a partnership with God).  For Jews, who are judged by God's Jewish covenant, even this CONCEPT is forbidden.  There is no disagreement amongst the sages however that worshipping ANY MAN AS god IS IDOLATRY, which is a cardinal sin.

       Within Christianity, God's Hebrew Scriptures have been tampered with, and this is a HUGE sin.  I will be showing exactly what they did, and what is correct.

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